Thursday, July 24, 2008

Groundhog Day.

Have you ever seen that Chevy Chase movie called "Groundhog Day"?

In the movie Chevy Chase's character leads the same day over and over and over again. Sometimes when I'm blogging I feel like it's my very own version of Groundhog Day. We seem to do the same things over and over and over again. And while it's fun for us ... I'm pretty sure my blog readers get tired of hearing about our visits to this place or that place repetively.

So today ... I have nothing to blog about. I thought I would share this picture of a rainbow I took the other day. Although the rainbow looks very faint in this picture, it was one of the brightest ones I've seen. You could even see the violet color ... something we have rarely seen. And, it was a double rainbow. It was just gorgeous! I wish I could have captured it's beauty on camera.

I'm a little mad a myself this morning ... I forgot to grind my coffee beans and start my automatic drip coffee timer last night. I so enjoy getting up and having my coffee ready. It's almost 6:45 and I can't start my coffee yet! Griffin is sleeping in and if I grind the beans it will wake him up. So, I will have to wait for my much needed coffee.

Hopefully this isn't a premonition of the kind of day we are going to have.


Andi said...'s one of my favorite movies!!! I love it and I love your blog and you. Have a wonderful day and buy some already ground coffee to stash away for a back up plan when you forget to grind your beans.

I think that's one of the things I love about this movie. Bill Murray gets the chance to "perfect" his life skills...must be why I like "do over's" so much!

Have a dandy day Missy.

Bonnie said...

No one gets tired of your blogs. Even when you go to the same places over and over, the experiences of the day are all different. The rainbow is beautiful. I think it shows up very well. You know how superstitious I am, well a double rainbow is supposed to bring good luck. As for the coffee, I gave up caffiene awhile ago but I know how you feel. There are some days that I just want a good cup of coffee. I'm strickly a water person now, albeit flavored water. Have a great day! I hope you get your coffee soon.( I would consider Andi's suggestion about already ground coffee).

Jill LaFaye said...

Funny movie..great photo!
I think your blog is great..never boring:)

P.S. I will be over in a few minutes with some fresh coffee:)

Sue said...

I NEVER tire of reading your blog, even if you are re-visiting the same place now and then it's always a different experience and an enjoyable read.
Your rainbow picture is beautiful! I have two pages in one of my Scrapbooks dedicated to pics of rainbows and clouds. I love to take pictures of both!

Judi said...

I am never tried of your blogging. I would have to grind the coffee anyways. Sometimes I put a towel over the grinder or I have even taken it itno the other room to grind. I need my coffee.

Judi said...

I am never tried of your blogging. I would have to grind the coffee anyways. Sometimes I put a towel over the grinder or I have even taken it itno the other room to grind. I need my coffee.

Cecile said...

Don't even think that we would be tired of reading your blog!!
I am addicted I must hit the Missy button everyday at least once maybe twice who know even maybe three times:))I smell the coffee it's brewing here at 10:00 I am a slacker today having a migraine and hoping the caffiene in the coffee will help:))
Love ya!!

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

AHA!! JUST WHAT I THOUGHT---The "Stepford wife", the "Missy" model---definitely needs to turn herself into the depot for maintenance----and a tune-up. Missing the routine of grinding coffee beans the night before---now interfereing with the program for morning routines---The "Missy" model Stepfor Wife---is always in a happy upbeat mood---its one of the biggest reasons that model is so popular.

Anonymous said...

that's a really cool picture. If you edit it, the rainbow would be brighter :)