Saturday, June 10, 2006

Yes ... It's The Same Child

If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you know Griffin has been sick for a few weeks. Well, I was just going through my digital camera to load some pictures for Grandma and I could not believe what I saw.

I took some pictures of Griffin on Wednesday when he was not feeling well. This is before I decided to go back to the doctor (after being there on Sunday ... long story ... read my past blog posts for more information).

This is a picture of our dear sweet boy ... obviously NOT feeling well

His little face is swollen and the rash is showing pretty vividly ... although it was MUCH more red in real life

This is a picture of Griffin later Wednesday night ... obviously feeling better, but still red with the rash and swollen face

I can report that he is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better now

This is a picture I took of Griffin this morning while we were playing on the front porch ... yes it's the same child.

You know, now looking at these pictures I can not believe I was second guessing myself about taking him back to the doctor. In the future I will most definately listen to my mother's intuition.

I'm just glad our little G is on the way to recovery.

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