Tuesday, September 08, 2009

He's Growing Up.

Yes ... he's growing up.
Waaaaay too fast for me.
Pretty soon he will not need me.

He's swinging himself ... loving that ... but he doesn't need ME to help him do it anymore.

He's eating everything under the sun. He's always hungry. Even after a full meal he'll get up from the table and he's ready for a snack. We remind him if he's still hungry he needs to eat more breakfast/lunch/dinner.

He's in his "why" stage ... it's not an annoying "why" like I've experienced with some kids. It's cute "why" questions and he really wants to know the answers.

My favorite from last night was "Mommy why are giraffes tall"? Heck, I do not know why giraffes are tall. I told him it was because God wanted to make them that way. Then we started talking about them being almost yellow and brown.

He's remembering things ...

For example, he was just now sitting in Mike's lap and a commercial came on with the Lincoln Monument. He said "Daddy, we've been there". Loving that he's remembering special places we've been.

School starts back tomorrow. He's SO ready. He keeps asking me when he goes back to preschool.

I remember last year at this time I was petrified to leave my baby at school. He's grown so much in a year. He's matured.

My baby isn't a baby anymore ... as he tells me all the time ...

I'm a little boy, Mommy.


Wendy said...

He is growing up, but he will ALWAYS need his MOMMY!!

Bonnie said...

Amen, Wendy. He WILL always need his MOMMY. They all do. It doesn't matter if they get married and have kids of their own...they always have a special place in their hearts for Mommy.

Sue said...

We've all been where your are Missy...of course that doesn't make it any easier. They grow too fast, too quickly. I agree with Wendy and Bonnie, he will ALWAYS need you. He'll need you to help him with homework, be his little league/soccer/football/basketball cheerleader, cookie/cupcake maker, girlfriend problem solver and anything else important in his life! The best is yet to come, sit back and enjoy the ride. (and don't forget to take lots of pictures!)