Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Fried Okra.

While dining at Sonny's BBQ Griffin discovered he likes fried okra.

It's always been one of my very favorite southern dishes ... and it just tickled me that Griffin likes it too!

I think at first he just wanted to try it because he thought it was neat he could eat it with a jumbo toothpick ...

His first taste ...

Yep ... he likes it ... never mind it was part of Fred's meal ... he dug right in.


Judi said...

He is too cute Missy!!

merc3069 said...

That is my favorite food, too!

Bonnie said...

Yuck! I just don't like okra. But it is exciting when the kids decide they like the same foods as you do.

Andi said...

Those eyelashes!!! Such a cutie!!!

Andi said...

Oh...it doesn't look like Fred minds one bit...too cute!!!