Friday, May 15, 2009

Treasure Finds.

I'm a bargain shopper ... I love finding a deal.

I guess that's why I yard sales so much.

Bonnie, Jerome and I went to yard sales when we were in Florida, I found some really amazing deals.

I spent $6.25 and walked away with these treasures ...

$2.00 ~ this is my favorite find of the day. My daddy used to have one of these cracker tins in his kitchen. I'll be honest, I did not like it when I lived it home. I thought it was old and ugly. I will tell you as soon as I saw it at the yard sale ... I *had* to have it because it reminded me so much of my Daddy. It now sits proudly in my kitchen.

$1.00 ~ another great find. The children's book "America A Patriotic Primer" by Lynne Cheney. Only a dollar ... and it's even autographed!

Yes ... that's right ... an autographed copy of Lynne Cheney's children's book for only a buck!

$1.00 ~ you may recall this little wooden chair. I thought it was adorable the second I layed my eyes on it. This is the one Bonnie & Jerome "John Deere'd" up for Griffin. You can read about that

$2.25 ~ three movies
Finding Nemo, Shrek 2 and Ice Age. I think this is the *best* money I've ever spent. They were only $.75 each. Griffin has watched Finding Nemo almost every day since we've been home.

Finding a treasure at a really great price is such fun. I'm always on the lookout for the next great yard sale.

Speaking of yard sales ... some ladies from my mommy group are planning a multi-family yard sale on June 6th right here in our area. I will be participating again this year. If you would like information about when, where and how to get there just email me at!!


Bonnie said...

I just love yardsaleing and finding great treasures. It was so much fun being able to yard sale with you again.

Wendy said...

Great Deal, I love the cracker tin!

Judi said...

I have never been a yard sale person. We have antique type swap meets. I like those. I would probably like yard sales if I was looking for something special or collected things.

Deborah said...

I'm trying to get stuff together to have a yard sale myself...tons of toys and baby things...someone will find some great deals with I finally get it together!

deb famularo said...

That is unbelievable- I wish I could find treasures like that around here! xOxO

HarryJack's Mom said...

I have that exact same saltines tin - it was one of the only things I wanted from my grandmother's house. We still use it, and it really works ;-) Glad you were able to get such great things; I am never patient enough...