Thursday, April 09, 2009

Trip To The Zoo ...

Thursday was such a beautiful day and we had plans to go to the zoo with our good friends Carol and Sam.


It was one of those days in which everytime I opened my mouth my little guy seemed not to hear me. Even though the day was a bit trying ... we still had a good time.

Griffin had to say hello to his friend Mr. Peacock.

Sam saying hello to his favorite animal, the giraffe.

Griffin feeding two giraffes at once ... pretty cool!

I love this picture of Carol and Sam ... notice Sam is taking a picture of Carol. So sweet.

Another picture of Griffin feeding the giraffes.

mmmmm ... how exactly does one's four-year-old loose his Lightning McQueen shoe in the orangatang lake? Well ... he just throws it in. Can you believe it?


I went to the front to see if they could retrieve it ... they said they could after the zoo had closed. So, Griffin had to walk around the zoo in his socks. Needless to say, they got filthy and he wore holes in them.

Thank goodness another zoo employee got her "pinchers" out and could get his shoe.

He won't be doing that again. I'm sure of it.

Love this picture of the boys riding the carousel. Griffin is on the "chicken" ... that is what he calls it. And Sam is on the lion.

Feeding the baby zebra ... he was SO cute!!

I love this picture of the boys feeding the camels.

We are so lucky to have Carol and Sam as friends. They are so sweet, fun to be around and they understand us. Thank you for being our friends!!


Bonnie said...

Looks like ya'll had a really fun day. I would love to go to the zoo. I haven't been to one since I was 14. I don't count Animal Kingdom at Disney because it's not really a zoo. I can't believe Griffin threw his shoe in with the were lucky someone could get it out for you. It's nice to have good friends to go with too.

Mary Lou said...

What a fun day! I went to the zoo in Washington, DC 2 years ago, and it was so much fun--even at my age!! LOL

Judi said...

It looks like a fund Day!! I bet Griffin will lose his shoe again. It is a boy thing. Even if he did it on purpose. They just do those things. Go figure.

Cecile said...

I love all the pics of the animal and friends but the shoe pic in the lake is so stinkin cute and so "Boy Like" I'm sure it was frusterating at that moment but when you look back it has to be funny:) Hopefully he learned from this but if he is like other boys he will come up with another silly thing next time!!Enjoy the moments and pick your battles and try not to sweat the small stuff::))Okay I am through preaching!!Hugs!

Andi said...

I'm sorry but I'm laughing that he threw his shoe in the lake...I know it's not funny but it tickled me for some reason. He's all boy Missy!!! I'm glad they were able to retrieve it. The zoo looks like a fun your pictures.

Sue said...

What a fun day! For some reason, boys seem to think it's fun to throw their shoes in the lake...or out the car window as you are driving down the freeway with NO possibility of retrieving
My Washington grandkids are taking me to Northwest Trek next weekend while I'm up there. Funny, live in Washington so many years and never went, now going as a "tourist"..go figure.

Shari said...

I love the zoo......(probably just as much as Corey does)'s been a while since we've been and I have actually been thinking about carrying him soon.......funny......

I'll be sure to keep my eye on his shoes.......too funny!

Donielle said...

What an awesome zoo! Being able to feed the animals, wow! Glad you could get his shoe back...hehe.