Monday, March 09, 2009

Yucky Sunday.

This is a little graphic ...

About 10:30 Sunday morning I started feeling bad.

I was dizzy and nauseous. I sat outside with the boys while Mike worked and Griffin played on his swingset. Before you know it I was (sorry it's a bit graphic) throwing up and diarrhea at the same time. I was feeling so sick.

I had cramps and I was sweating. I couldn't stay out of the bathroom. I had not eaten anything since lunchtime on Saturday. Since we had such a big lunch at Uno's we were not hungry for dinner. Thank goodness. I didn't eat anything for breakfast either. I did manage to eat a piece of toast and drink a little bit of water around lunchtime, but even that came back up.

My body was aching so bad ... it's hard being sick when you have a family to take care of.

Then about 3:00 in the afternoon it hit Mike. The same exact thing. He went through every single thing I did.

We've sprayed Lysol and wiped down everything like there is no tomorrow.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Griffin does not get this. It's hard enough on us ... I can't imagine little man having to go through this.

I'm feeling better this morning. Mike is still sleeping ... so I'm hoping he feels better too.

Let's just hope Monday is a better day than Sunday was.



Cindy Matejka said...

Yikes, it's a horrible bug that's going around. Hope you guys feel better!

Shari said...

I'm so sorry you have gotten that 'Bug'....I sure hope it skips over Griffin and leaves your house......I hope you'll both have a better today than yesterday!

Mary Lou said...

I'm sorry to hear you got that "bug" too. I had that stuff a while back and it's no fun. I really thought I was going to die. My stomach cramped like nothing I've ever had before. Sure hope Griffin doesn't get it! Glad you're feelin better.

Wendy said...

I am so sorry you were so sick, hope today is better for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh man you guys got that nasty stomach "flu". Yeah, it went thru here as well. Lovely isn't it? That's the one that dehydrating Mitchell that night. We actually had 2 rounds of that.
I hope you feel better, it "usually" doesn't last too long in the adults.

Anonymous said...

BTW, are we getting a pup?

Bonnie said...

I am so glad you guys are feeling better. It is hard to be sick when you have family to take care of. And I sure wouldn't want what you guys got. Hopefully "G" won't get it...sounds like you to some great precautions for that.

Sue said...

When I read your post I thought.."Oh no..Food Poisioning"..but since there's a bug going around maybe that is all it is. I wish you & Mike a speedy recovery and hope Griffin stays healthy!

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Sorry to hear you were struck down like that, glad to hear your on the mend. Its not fun being ill, AND having to take care of the family----but----MOMS are like that----yeah, they are!!

Judi said...

I hope you feel better!!

Cecile said...

That sounds like a yucky bug that yall got I am hoping G doesn't get that yuck!You are in my thoughts and prayers:)