Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Fun In The Snow.

We couldn't have a snow storm and not play in the snow right?

Griffin making his way out into the snow ...

Just look at all of that snow ... snow diving!

Snow rolling ...

Fort Griffin and the side yard all covered in snow ...

A look at the snow covered trees up against the sky as a back drop ...

Another view of the same thing ...

No amount of snow will stop him from playing on Fort Griffin.

Woo Hoo ... sliding down the snow covered slide.

The birds are loving the bird feeder right now.

What a day ... the snow is just beautiful.

But, honestly ... I'm ready for some warm weather!


Wendy's Blog said...

oh wow! we got snow too but not like this, its beautiful. We got about 3-5" in PA area where I am at. I'm so ready for spring!

Wendy said...

I can't believe how much snow you have gotten. What fun! We had to slide down a hill of soggy snow mud! LOL

Mary Lou said...

Great pictures! Looks like Griffin really had fun playing in the snow. Really loved the pictures of the snow covered trees. We did get some snow around here, but not nearly as much as you guys.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

The weather seems unusul all over, your getting snow storms, and out here it has been unseasonably warm, 85F here in temecula----but they predict a cooling trend and this coming week the temp will drop back to a miserable 65-70 degrees, with the possibility of rain, maybe upwards of a .25 inches.

Judi said...

Fort Griffin looks beautiful. What fun!!

Mandy said...

I love that Griffin was sliding on his slide on the snow. I bet that was funny to witness!

Colleen Wms said...

You can't pay for fun like this for kids Missy. This is free fun that only a child can enjoy... mostly. YES I too can't wait till it's all gone and Spring is here BUT this snowstorm will give us all fond memories for the rest of our lives.
Griffin will see those pictures of his fun long after we are all gone.
-sniffle sniffle-

Shari said...

I am so jealous......we didn't get ANYTHING like that.....Love the pictures!