Monday, January 12, 2009

Three Amigos.

Friday we had friends over for a little impromptu play date for the boys and conversation time for the Mommies. Since the boys are on alternate days at school, we do not get to see our friends nearly enough.

The boys had an aversion to the camera ... so I didn't get that "great" picture I was after.

Here we find Griffin, Sam and Darius enjoying their popsicles and playing with the train set

Although they would stand still ... they would NOT look at the camera. Well, Darius would ... he's a little ham.

This is a picture of the FOUR amigos from August 2007 (we miss Ryan sooo much!) ... haven't they grown up? They aren't babies anymore.


Judi said...

They are so cute!! And they do grow up very fast.

Bonnie said...

Sometimes natural pics are just as good if not better than posed ones. But all your pictures of the boys are great. And they sure do grow like weeds.

Anonymous said...

Love it! And I love you for the fact that your the type of Mommy who lets children eat popsicles in the livingroom. You rock and are such a wonderful person and Mama! Tricia