Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nice Day.

Hannah came over yesterday to help me with Griffin for a little while.

It was so wonderful. Beyond wonderful.

For two and a half hours I did not have to worry about checking on him every two minutes. I sorted & spot sprayed stains on our clothes, swept the kitchen, emptied the dish washer, made the bed, took things upstairs that needed to go up, and worked on orders for a little while.

It was absolutely FANTASTIC!

(Pictured Carol, Sara, Sam & Griffin ... Hannah & Zach were there too, they just weren't in the picture)

We did change our plans a little bit ... instead of the Hall gang coming over for lunch and playtime at our house, we decided to meet up at the YMCA. It was a perfect day for swimming. We had cupcakes for Carol's birthday ... her birthday is Sunday and we are going to have an "official" get together next week, but Hannah, Griffin and I decided to bring some surprise cupcakes to the pool.

While at the pool Griffin learned how to swim under water. Of course it totally freaked me out at first. He was watching the other kids swimming under water and he decided he wanted to do it too. And he's really good at it. I can't wait until Mike can seet this!

And yesterday ... Griffin had some really funny & cute things to say:

We were sitting eating lunch and Hannah said to him "Are you a boy"? Normally he says "No, I Griffin" ... well yesterday he said "No I pumpernickel" ... we were rolling on the floor laughing! Pumpernickel? Where in the heck did he get Pumpernickel?

And then when we got home from the pool, his face was a little redder than normal, so I needed to put some aloe vera lotion on it. I said "Buddy your face is a little red I need to put lotion on it" ... he said "My face not red Mommy, my face is white". Too funny.

I hope you all have a great weekend ...


Sandy said...

Kids really do say the cutest things!
What a WONDERFUL summer day!

Andi said...

Hi Missy! I'm way behind again on my blogging and leaving comments.

I love reading about the things Griffin says.

I think having Hannah in for a while from time to time is good for all of you. Obviously they're having loads of fun and it gives you a little time to get some work done...well...maybe that's not so much fun...laundry!!!

Anonymous said...

Pumpernickel?? Too funny

Cecile said...

That sounds like bread:))
It doesn't matter what he calls hisself he's still a stikin' CUTIE!
Sounds like a fun day all the way round and you got some work done too:)

Judi said...

I am glad you had such a great day. I love that you blog every day. i have been out of it lately. I will get back soon.

Bonnie said...

Leave it to my nephew to come up with crazy things to say. He must take after his Uncle "Rome". I'm glad you found a way to keep Griffin occupies while you got things done. Hannah seemed to be enjoying herself too. And then cupcakes at the YMCA. You always know how to make a day fun. Speaking of fun, we were talking about bread & butter pickles the other day (me,Wade, Christina and Jerome) and do you remember the day we went yard saleing and a lady in Haines City had homemade pickles and stuff for sale? Do you remember we bought a jar of bread and butter pickles and ate the whole jar before we even left the yard? We used to have so much fun doing things. I'm glad you still do.

Wendy said...

Sounds like you had a great day!