Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Yard Saling Or Is It Yard Selling?

Those people that are closest to me, know this ... but something YOU may not know about me is ...

Oh my gosh ... yard sales, garage sales, tag sales, thrift sales ... you name it ... I love it. I love the "thrill of the hunt" ... I think I can literally spot a yard sale sign a mile away.

When I go to yard sales ... I only get the things that I know we will use. I don't just pay a quarter for something to have it sit in a box.

My friend Heidi and I and our boys went yard saling (selling?) on Saturday morning. I thought I would share some of the things I found ...

See this Lightning McQueen car? Folks ... I paid 50 cents for it! It's actually a "Fast Talkin' Lightning McQueen" and I just found it on ... selling for $54.99 ...
Click Here if you don't believe me! And the one I bought has batteries and everything!!

Here's a close up of the neat things you can do with it ... again ... that was two quarters, 50 cents!!!

And look at this ... the price tag is still on it. A Lightning McQueen backpack ... this one was 50 cents too!

I've always wanted one of those little dip warmers that look like a little crock pot ... well I found one for only $2.00!

And look at this cute Washington, DC shirt I found for Griffin ... only a quarter!

At one time my brother
Jerome was a Dale Earnhardt fan. I wasn't sure if he still collected Dale Sr. stuff or not, but took the chance that he did. This collection of a book, a magazine and two hats I got for only $6.00! The man had sooooo many collectibles ... Beanie Babies, Nascar Stuff, Football Stuff, Attic Treasures. And he was practically giving the stuff away!

And this is probably my favorite find of the day. It was free. LOL ... that's not why it's my favorite ... the man with all of the collectibles had Beanie Babies 3 for $5.00. Heidi and Ryan chose three Beanies, one for each boy (Ryan, Evan & Griffin). This is the one that they chose for Griffin. It's so very special because right before we left the house we discovered that one of our snails (we have 6) had a baby. It's the first time we saw it in the aquarium. What a sweet thing for our friends to do!!

So ... next time you see a yard sale sign ... make sure to stop because you never know what deals you might find!!


Bonnie said...

Oh trust me about Missy yard saleing (?). She can spot the smallest sign about 5 miles away. We used to go all the time when she lived next door and she is a true bargain hunter. You got some fantastic bargains there girl. Love the Lightening McQueen stuff and Jerome will abolutely love the Dale stuff. We're still working on coming up to get it, just don't know when.

Jill LaFaye said...

I call it "Going Yard Sale-ing" but now that it is written doesn't make sense does it? ha! got some great buys!

My grandmother could spot a yard/gargage/rummage sale sign 5 miles away also..she was so funny:)

Sue said...

WOW!! Great bargins there Missy!!
We go yard "sailing"
Not sure how to spell it..but I liked sailing best. I've found some great bargins, but my SIL Jeff finds the best ones. He found a ring in a bag of "old junk jewelry" that he got for $1...and sold it on ebay for $320!

Cecile said...

WOW! You racked up girl:)
I haven't be yard sailing in a long time but I went to one at a church last saturday and my Mom got a real crystal vase for .50 so now she can put her roses in the vase from her garden:)

About Me said...

Wow, looks like ya'll had fun and got somereally neat stuff. I'm not much on yard sailing????, but my mom is and she is always finding some really good deals.

Judi said...

Good advise. Thanks for sharing.

Simple Man said...

Cool Stuff.....Me and Bonnie love to yard sale too....She can spot a sign as we drive by.....don't tell her I said that.....we will probably go this Saturday

Anonymous said...

yard sales can be very beneficial for the yard sale goer :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy,
Maybe you should do all my Christmas and birthday shopping for Griffin at yard sales. You got better stuff than I can find in the stores.
I liked yard sailing. You just sail from yard to yard.
