Saturday, May 17, 2008

Family Fun.

Our big adventure yesterday morning was to visit Walmart for a little grocery shopping. When we were back in the car I asked Griffin what he wanted to do. He said "go to mall and play" ... so that's what we did.

On the way home I saw something on the road ahead of me. I thought it was roadkill (yuck!), but it turned out to be a turtle. I quickly swirved my car to miss it. I think we did miss it. And then we turned off to the road that leads to our sub-division and holy cow ... a deer ran right out in front of me. I was on the telephone with my friend Heidi and honest to goodness ... it scared me to death!! I was laughing and crying at the same time. We did make it safely home without running over a turtle or hitting a deer.

Last night we went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. They have a huge selection to choose from and we wanted a little something different for dinner.

Griffin was so happy that Daddy was home!

And this Kahlua Chocolate Cheesecake was the absolute BEST!! Mike had Oreo Chocolate Cheesecake himself. The best part is we both could only eat 1/2 of our cheesecake and we brought the leftovers home. So ... we have cheesecake for today too. Griffin wanted no part of the cheesecake. We both asked him if he wanted some "cake" and then we tried calling it "ice cream" (because of the whipped cream on it) and he just said "no cake". He's funny that way though. He likes certain sweet things (lollipops, M&Ms, ice cream) ... but alot of sweet things he won't touch. I guess that is a good thing though.

And finally ... I added some things to
My Ebay Store

Hopefully I'll be added many more things in the near future!!

Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!!


Andi said...

Oh Missy, the Cheesecake Factory sounds so good! They have one at Brandon Town Center now and I keep mentioning it to Gene...that we should go. He asked..."what's so great about a cheesecake place?" He's like cake for him!

Cute picture of Mike and Griffin.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

The dessert looks like a killer---a guy could die happy with it. Glad Bambi escaped the wild woman in the car with a phone in her ear (ha ha), and have to tell ya one of your friends (Sue) was kind enough to visit my blog page and leave a nice comment. I will have ot visit her page and return the fav. You do take the most interesting pics -------

Anonymous said...

don't you know that you're supposed to stop and pick up the turtle to help him cross the road? Unless it's a snapping turtle.