Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So ... I'm going to blog a real blog soon ... but I just have to share that I'm a little sad right now.

I think my favorite fish Finn is going to cross the rainbow bridge by morning. Do fish cross the rainbow bridge or do they just swim under it?

He's at the top of the water and it looks to me like he's gasping for air. He is a big black molly with the most beautiful blue tail and fin. He's pretty much ruled the fish aquarium since we've had it. Out of the 10 fish we have in our aquarium, he's been my favorite since day one. Honestly, he and the red tipped shark are the only two that I've named. And I really do not care for the red tipped shark because as I see it ... he's a bully. I guess that's why I named him Deville. Deville ... Devil ... get it???

I named this beautiful fish Finn because of his beautiful blue fin ...

My husband and MIL both told me not to get too attached ... as fish do not live forever. But c'mon we've had Finn for only a little over a month ... sigggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Cecile said...

Oh Missy I am so sorry to hear about Finn.. I pray he makes it through the night..We have 2 goldfish in a small tank Cole loves them they are Mrs Bubbles and Mr Bubbles he named them and Mrs Bubbles is now missing an eye(I know how gross) but she is still kicking it..We don't know what happened to her maybe the other fish did something to her?????Who knows??? Cole would be devastated if one of ours passed on. I know Griffin would be sad to lose Finn too.
Take care and I will say a special prayer for Finn!!

Susie Q said...

Poor Missy...poor Finn. I hate to see anything living go. Especially since you have had him but a short time.
Poor little G...he will miss him too.

I will be thinking about you.


Anonymous said...

Would this happen to be the one that G likes to fish for?

Andi said...

I'm sorry about your Finn. I've never had fish at home before so I don't how long they usually live.

We did have those Beta fish in the jars with plants at the Bank one time and I named mine Wanda. I kept Wanda by Janet's teller window because there was more light up in the front and darker back where I sat. Of course some of the fish would die from time to time and I commented to Janet one day that my Wanda was just going to live forever. Janet smiled and said as only she could..."Andi...that's about the 4th Wanda...we just keep replacing it with the same color Beta and didn't want to tell you".

I guess I thought it was so sweet of them to want to protect me from the loss of my fish named Wanda that I got over it.

Hugs to you, Andi