Friday, November 10, 2006


Mike was away on a business trip for almost a week ... he was in Canada. He finally returned home last night and we couldn't be happier. It's really very hard being alone sometimes. Griffin misses Daddy and I miss my husband. Mike brought this darling Canadian Mounty Moose home to Griffin ... isn't it cute?

Of course Mike was excited to give it to him, Griffin took it and then promptly threw it on the ground. I hope Mike's feelings weren't too hurt. It was a very sweet, kind, thoughtful thing for him to do.

The other day I was sitting on the couch and Griffin came over to the arm of the couch ... he put his little head down on it while looking at me and said "Da Dee" ... oh my goodness my heart just broke. He was missing his Daddy. Of course I gathered him up in a huge hug, gave him a kiss and told him his Daddy was missing him too. Oh boy ... he's beginning to understand when Daddy isn't home now.

Okay ... I just have to say it ... I am soooo happy that Britney finally came to her senses. I know I don't know her, and all we see is what the media presents to us ... but I truly believe Britney will be MUCH better off without Kevin. I just had to get that little bit of information off my chest ... whew ... I feel better.

I hope everyone has a very nice weekend!


SmileyCarrie said...

Yahh Canada ;) hehehe Where did your husband go to?

I feel the same way about Brittney ~ its about time!

Anonymous said...

Too bad she had 2 kids with the loser though!

Awww...that's cute about your litte man asking for Daddy!

Andi said...

The little Mounty Moose is really cute! That was sweet of Mike to bring that to Griffin.

Missy, you're so tender hearted...I know you miss Mike just as much as Griffin does when he's away working. Just cherish all the time you do get to share together.

And since you mentioned it...I completely agree...Britney came to her senses when she dumped that looser k-fed!!!

Jolene George said...

Awww...he is so darn cute! Little boys do miss their daddies when their gone...poor little guy.

Teresa AKA: T said...

Oh, Poor Little Heart, G is such a sweet little boy... Maybe G said heck with the mouse I'm just glad to have Daddy home...