Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy Fall Ya'll ...

Griffin was totally not into getting his picture taken yesterday, but I really wanted to take some pumpkin pictures. As you can tell it's a bit difficult to keep a 20-month old still for very long. So, for now ... this is my 2006 Pumpkin Picture ... until G will cooperate better ... let's just call this one "Fall In Motion" ...

And ... just for fun ... I thought I would share last year's pumpkin picture as well ... my what a difference a year makes ...


Andi said...

What a difference a year makes is right!!! But what a cutie he still is! Looks like you have some color in the leaves there. Such a pretty time of year...enjoy!

Jolene George said...

These pictures brought a huge smile to my face. Griffin is the cutest little must love him to pieces.

Teresa AKA: T said...

G is the cutest little guy. Who can blame him for not wanting to be still? Surely he is learning alot these days. I also wanted to say that in this picture he sure looks like you Missy.