Monday, March 02, 2009

Monday ~ It's Still Snowing!

It's light out now and I can see what's going on outside.

I.T.S. S.T.I.L.L. S.N.O.W.I.N.G.

Oh my gosh!! I didn't expect it to still be snowing. Of course it may have stopped overnight and started again. But when I opened the blinds to see what was happening ... the little white flakes are just a'falling down.

This is a picture I shared on my earlier post. It's our backyard and Griffin's little plastic pool can be seen here. (That little pool has been through alot).

I just took this picture ... the same general area. See how much snow fell overnight?

I took this one from my front porch ... if you are wondering what that green bottle is ... it's Griffin's bubbles.

And although our front steps were covered with snow, I ventured out just beyond them to poke a ruler in the ground to measure the snow. We have gotten 7" so far. And like I said ... it's STILL snowing.

The DirecTV thingy is still not working. Griffin keeps asking to watch Mickey Mouse and Handy Manny. I keep trying to explain the TV part isn't working. But we can watch movies. We're watching "Cars" right now.

His retort? But Mommy all Mickey Mouse needs is batteries and it will work. He thinks to make things work all we have to do is change the batteries. LOL. If only that were true.

This may get interesting.


Wendy said...

It's finally snowing here! YEAH! Not much, but I'll take it!

You are lucky you have power, i heard that alot of people up your way are without! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Donielle said...

Wow!! Great pictures and lots of snow. We woke up to snow as well, not as much as you, but some. I was surprised...I didn't think it would snow at all.

Anonymous said...

Im so jealous.We didn't get any as was promised. Where do you live im coming to play with you =)

Mary Lou said...

WOW! I wish we had that much snow! We did get some, but I'd love to have as much as you got just one more time. I'd love to have some good ole snow cream and make snow angels. Great pictures!

Judi said...

Beautiful pictures. It better stop snowing by the 12th. I am not a fan of snow. That is why I live in Southern Califronia. It was 80 on Sunday!

Cecile said...

WOW!!The pics of the snow are fab!!! Stay warm girlie:)) It's just cold here too cold for the deep south::))

Anonymous said...

I love the snow! I'm actually sad to see Winter leaving. I'm so not a summer person. All my friends say I'm crazy....