Monday, March 02, 2009

Let It Snow!

Yesterday was March 1st ... I was thinking sprintime & flowers and yet a winter storm blew in.

The snow starting coming down about 1:30 and it was still coming down last night when I went to sleep.

Our DirecTV satellite wasn't working due to the wather. Ugggh. We couldn't even watch our DVR'd shows. It's still not working this morning. I hope it's just because it's covered in snow (it's on our 2nd floor roof) and will fix itself when the snow melts away.

The electricity went out about 8:00 pm Sunday night. I read a book by flashlight for a little while and then finally just went on up to bed. I woke up about 11:30 and the power was back on. Thank goodness.

Here's a few pictures I took late yesterday afternoon ... it's still dark outside, so I have no idea how much snow we actually got last night. If you are a Facebook friend, you've seen these pictures already. I do plan to take current ones a little later when it's light out.

(Go to the bottom of the pictures for more of my blogging post)

The first thing I have to do when it turns light out is bring more firewood in. I loaded up on it yesterday morning before the storm came through but right now I only have six pieces left in the bin. That should be fun. NOT!

I do plan to bundle Griffin up in some warm clothes and play in the snow a little later. He will love that.

Other than that ... we are staying home today. Where it's safe.


Unknown said...

its snowing like the dickens here!!! happy snow day!!

Anonymous said...

that's 1 thing I always hated about DirecTV, any sort of weather and it's out. I have Verizon Fios now and it's on thru any weather, good ole fiber optics :)