Monday, April 05, 2010


I can't believe it ... I have conjunctivitis.

Pink Eye people!!!

This post is pretty graphic ... so if you get grossed out easily ... stop reading!

I look pretty beat up in this picture don't I?

The first sign was a red eye. As the day progressed it got more goopy, runny, red and swollen. Mike took me to Patient First last night because we knew I had a problem.

I'm also having an allergic reaction as well, so I'm doing two different drops. The discharge from my eye is brownish yellow. My actual EYE is swollen too, not just the lid, but the eye. It's pretty strange looking to open the lid and see the colored part all round and colorful and then the "white" part is all red and swollen. It kinds of looks like it's boiling. When I woke up this morning it was swollen completely shut and cemented together. It's seriously sooooo gross. I'm being very careful about not touching my eye. And I think I've washed my hands a million times since it first started. I so do not want Griffin to get this.

I know I'm not the first person to ever have pink eye ... but this is a first for me.

I actually had to take Griffin to the doctor this morning because he had a fever most of yesterday, wouldn't eat and throwing up last night. We thought it might be strep. It's a virus and of course they can give him nothing for it. I feel so bad for my baby when he's sick.

When the doctor came in to see Griffin she asked what was going on with me. I opened my swollen lid to show her my eye. She said it's the worst looking case of pink eye she's ever seen. Not a positive thing to hear. But, I've been taking my drops exactly when I'm supposed to and I'm hoping this goes away very quickly.

It is spring break after all. Griffin is ready to do some fun things. I told him as soon as he's feeling better and Mommy's eye is better we will definitely do something fun.


Susie Q said...

Bless your heart! I have had it and it is NOT fun! I hope it goes away quickly...I will be thinking about you and say a little prayer for it to be gone fast!


deb famularo said...

oh my God Missy, I'm praying that goes away fast-there is so much stuff going around, but that is so swollen, it must hurt like heck. ughhh.....feel better soon....xoxo

Bonnie said...

I justt left a really long comment and it didn't post. UGH! I hate that because I can never really get the wording right again. I hope your drops work quickly for you. I've had pink eye a few times but nothing like yours. And it's highly contagious, so I hope G doesn't get it. And I hope he gets to feeling better. It's awful having a house full of sickies. HUGS and KISSES all around.

Grin and Barrett said...

Oh Missy, I am soooo sorry to hear about your pink eye and Griffin not feeling well. I will pray for a speedy recovery for you both.

Sue said...

Poor Missy! Just from the photo it looks soooo sore. I've had pink eye and lord knows my kids and grandkids have had it..but I've NEVER seen a case as bad as yours!What an awfull thing to have on your anniversary too...but on your 50th you can look back and laugh about it. Feel better soon..both of you.

Sue said...

Poor Missy! Just from the photo it looks soooo sore. I've had pink eye and lord knows my kids and grandkids have had it..but I've NEVER seen a case as bad as yours!What an awfull thing to have on your anniversary too...but on your 50th you can look back and laugh about it. Feel better soon..both of you.