Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs.

My dear friend Carol invited our family over to her house to color Easter eggs and dinner. I love going over to her house ... it is full of so much love and energy ... just a really nice place to visit.

Sam, Griffin, Hannah, Zach and Sara getting ready to color the Easter eggs.

Griffin was taking the egg coloring pretty seriously.

Well look at that ... it's a picture of Griffin with Mommy. Daddy was there too but he was relaxing on the couch.

An artsy shot ... love this picture of the egg coloring in action.

Pastel eggs ...

Brightly colored eggs ...

They live across the street from a lake so we walked down to the shore so the kids could tip their toes in the water.

Well ... if you know Griffin ... you just KNOW he's not just going to tip his toe in. He tipped toes, feet, legs, knees ... and pretty much his entire body in!

Thank you Hall family for such a GREAT time!

We look forward to our next visit.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

That looks like so much fun. All the eggs are so beautiful! And I'm not so sure the water would have been warm enough for me to stick my toes in, lol.