Tuesday, October 06, 2009

This & That

Our life has been filled with the ordinary lately.

Nothing "extraordinary" happening.

Ordinary feels pretty good to me right now.

Mike is home from a long week away to Seattle. It feels so "right" when he comes back home. Just the three of us ... our little family. That makes me happy.

Griffin has settled into school and he's making an effort to stay in "green" (for good behavior) every day. He's lucky to have such a wonderful and positive teacher in Ms. Lisa. It still amazes me how quickly he learns. I'm loving the songs he's learning at school. Today I heard him singing ... this land is your land, this land is my land ... from California to the New York Islands. It stopped me in my tracks and made me smile.

I'm trying to find some creative inspiration. I just can't seem to grasp it, just yet. I'm hoping it arrives SOON!

I'm loving that the new TV season is back. We are watching some of our favorite shows. Right now Dancing With The Stars, Project Runway and Eastwick are my top three. Has anyone watched Eastwick? For me, it's a little "Ghost Whisperer" meets "Ed". Love it!

I will be blogging more than I have in the past two weeks. Can't say I will always be sharing a picture ... but there will be words and thoughts.

Hope you have a great day!


Wendy said...

No news is Good News! Sometimes sharing everyday life is perfect!

Bonnie said...

Ordinary is good. I can't wait until I get to Ordinary.