Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hearts Day.

We had a great Valentine's Day here at our house ...

We exchanged cards and trinkets and spent the day showing we love and care about each other in different ways. Griffin and I also made a cake for Daddy ... that's a blog post all by itself.

The weather was beautiful outside so Griffin and I could go outside with Mike while he worked on the porch. For dinner Mike grilled us a steak (yum!) and we enjoyed a nice Valentine's Dinner together ... just the three of us.

Griffin had a great time opening up all of his Valentine's from his pre-school friends and teachers.

Just look at all of the Valentine's he got ... there was one extra special one that he specifically looked for ...

He has a sweet little "crush" on a little girl named Kyra. He tells me everyday that she is his best friend. It's very, very sweet. When it came time to read her card, he was SO happy!!

I thought this little baggie full of goodies was darling ... it had pink owls on it.

I hope you had a great Valentine's Day with your loved ones ...


Donielle said...

Steak...yummy!! Looks like ya'll had a great Valentine's Day together. That's sweet that he was anticipating her card!

Andi said...

What a wonderful Valentine's Day! I love the pictures of Griffin with his Valentine's. What a cute idea to make a Valentine holder from paper plates that you decorate...someone is very creative! I would have never thought of something like that.

Jenn said...

Awww, he is so cute! What a fun Valentines!

Wendy said...

I use to love doing the class valentines, so fun! Don't you remember as a child decorating your box so everyone in class could put there valentines to you in it?

This year Samantha came home with a brown bag with sharpie drawings on it, Yuk not very fun! Bad teacher

Andi said...

When do we get to see the Valentine cake?