Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Happy Birthday Bett!

Today is my wonderful mother-in-law Bett's birthday ...

She is an amazing woman and we love her dearly! So many people I know do not have the best of relationships with their mother-in-laws. I am so lucky to not only call her my mother-in-law, but she is also my friend. She is so much more to me than an "in law" ... she's been like a mother to me since I was 17 years old!

I'm so lucky.

We wish we were in Florida helping you to celebrate today!

We love you,
Mike, Missy & Griffy Smack


Mandy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I guess we are both lucky to have wonderful MILs. Isn't it great?!?!

Andi said...

Happy Birthday to Bett!!! Hope her day is wonderful!

Wendy said...

Missy I know she is very special to you as I am sure you are to her!

Cindy Matejka said...

Ditto on Happy Birthday wishes. Hmmm, I wonder who has MIL issues? ha ha.

About Me said...

Happy Birthday Bett. Hope you have lots more.

Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday Bett! Enjoy!

Judi said...

Happy Birthday Bett!