Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pre-School Picnic.

Yesterday Griffin attended his first pre-school Picnic. All morning we talked about going to his new school, playing on the playground and meeting teachers. He was very excited to go.

(Griffin's buddy Jack was very kind to push him in the swing)

They had a great event with free play in the playground and offered grilled hotdogs, snacks and lemonade for the guests to enjoy at lunch time.

We saw several people that we knew, other faces we recognized from around town and then of course we met some new friends too.

I know his attending pre-school is going to be great for him. He's going to learn so much both academically and socially ... however if I'm honest ... I'm a bit apprehensive about him going.

I'm so happy to share that my brother
Jerome has started a blog. I think only family members call him Jerome ... most people call him Hut (his nickname) or Richard (his first name). But, please ... if you have a moment visit his Simple Man Blog ... he's a wonderful person to know!


Bonnie said...

We are all apprehensive when I kids go to school, whether is your first one or your sixth. Griffin is such a social person he will be fine. It may take you awhile to get used to it, though, but you'll be fine. Thanks for pushing your brother's blog. He is sooooo excited about it.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

your worried about Griffen, ---I"M WORRIED,about YOU. With griffen away at school, what are YOU going to blog about?? Your not stuck at home, no griffen to take ya to jumping jacks, or the big pool at the YMCA or to Mommie picnics, etc, etc----just what ARE you going to do?

Jolene George said...

It's always harder on the mom, but it will be a great thing for him.

Cindy Matejka said...

Ditto with Jolene, from a teacher's perspective, it will be a great adventure for him. Being a new mom, I know it's hard to let go, but hang in there. I can't wait for Matthew to be old enough to start daycare at our church :)

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Caught your comment on one of my earlier posts---and no I am not familiar with "Site"---email me about it, sounds interesting: