Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Friends Over.

Yesterday M & G came for a visit ...
bearing gifts for Griffin's birthday.
(She asked I not put their names on my blog ... but the picture was okay)

It was a nice visit and the boys played really well together.

Today is M's birthday ... happy birthday to you!!!

Griffin and I got her a cake, a pretty flower and a card. We are hoping to get together next week to go to Cracker Barrell for lunch.


I have a little blog freebie today to give away to one person.

This cute little New York Bear is my freebie today.

If you are interested in winning it ... I only have one ... leave a comment in the comments section about the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the words "New York". One winner will be chosen from those that play. Those who comment today February 12th will be registered to win the New York Bear.

I will announce the winner on my blog tomorrow, February 13th.


angelsamoungus said...

Goodness, the first thought that comes into my head with "New York" is family.

My Italian side of my family is from Sag Harbor Long Island NY. I have not been to NY since the 70's. Oh how my brother and I wanted to go back so bad to see the grave sites of our grandparents. Hopefully we will be able to visit NY again soon.

Take care and TY for the chance to win something so special.


Anonymous said...

Well, here my 1st thought- TAXES, TAXES TAXES. I need to move to a new state!
Have a great day Missy!

Cecile said...

The first thing that comes to my mind is "Niagara Fall" one of the prettiest sights I have seen on a vacation.That reminds me I haven't scrapbooked those pics yet!
Have a Great day!

Brittany George said...

The car is so cute. I want to get one for Mark when he is a little older.

But the first thing that caome to my mind When I hear someone say New York is of course. . . The Big Apple! Who has never heard someone call it The Big Apple!