Monday, February 11, 2008

The Aquarium & Our Weekend.

This is what Mike and I got Griffin for his birthday ...

An aquarium ... he LOVES fish and birds. When we go into the pet store all he wants to do is watch them. We thought he would love an aquarium and he does. In this picture here (with his arms wide) ... he's asking ... but why can't the fish come out of the water?

I've never had an aquarium before ... I never thought I would be a "fish person" ... but I am LOVING this aquarium. It's so fun to watch the fish ... they definately have their own little personalities.

This past Saturday my MIL Bett and I had a little girls day out. First we went to Plow & Hearth ... she loves that store. Then on to Walmart we went. After that we had lunch at Panera Bread (yum!) and we finally ended up at Petsmart. We picked up the first fish for the aquarium there. We chose 3 orange mollies, 3 dalmatian mollies (yes they are black/white) and a red tail shark.

It was nice to have a fun day out with Bett ... we rarely get to do that. Griffin had stayed at home because he has developed a really bad cold. He caught it Friday at the play area during his party. He's really not feeling good and has a running, icky nose and a bad cough. I'm hoping he feels better very soon!!

Also ... our friends Cindy and John welcomed Baby Matthew Joseph into the world on February 7th ... congratulations you guys!!! We can not wait to meet Matthew!!


Sue said...

Hi Missy,
What a great gift! One that he will enjoy for years to come. Sorry little guy is sick. I hope he's feelin better soon.

Jill LaFaye said...

What a cool birthday present!
I hope little G feels better soon:)

Judi said...

It looks like he loves his present. We had fish when my kids were little. They loved them. Now my son 21yrs has his own tank. They are very fun to watch.
Have a great day!!

Brittany George said...

I love fish. Brek bought one for me when we were first married but the poor thing died within 24 hours. I felt so bad! Your boy is to cute!

Jolene George said...

I love his expression. He looks like he's saying Oh my gosh...Is this for me.

Cecile said...

What an "AWESOME" gift I know your little guy will love the fish and aquarium. My son love his 2 goldfish and our fish tank is way smaller than yours. Ours doesn't even qualify to be called an aquarium:))Feel better soon Griffin!

Colors of Me said...

what an awesome gift missy - g will just love it - we had one for j when he was little and we got him one of the little albino african frogs - it was cool until he started eating the fish lol - so we got another tank and had the albino frog and albino shark in it - they are beautiful to watch

Susie Q said...

Grace wants one too...they really are fun and I am betting G will LOVE his!

You will all enjoy this gift!
