Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Bit Of Fun.

Let's have a little fun today ...

Would anyone care to have this handmade Tear Bear for free? It's a sweet paper piecing you could use on a scrapbook layout ... or you could even make a Valentine's card with it. I made it with mulberry paper, gingham ribbon, cardstock ... I even sewed on a button ... and there's plenty of attention paid to the details.

I would like to offer more "freebies" on my site ... so I have this one to give away today!

All you have to do to be entered to win this sweetheart of a Tear Bear is to leave a comment in my comments section today .... mmmmmmm .... let's see ... why don't you share what you LOVE about January in the comments section to be entered?

This freebie give-a-way will run today January 10th and Friday January 11th. I will then put everyone's name in a hat that left a comment and let Griffin choose the winner on Saturday morning. The winner will be announced right here on my blog ... so make sure to stop back by to see who the winner is.

I look forward to see who wants to play!

And now ...
Look at what I've added to my


Karen said...

I'm in :)

January. I actually love having the stress of Christmas over with and getting back into a routine. As much as I love Christmas it is exhausting. I also love all the Box-ing week sales that continue through Jan :)

- Karen

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy- What I love about January? It's the month my little girl Riley was born! We just celebrated her 4th. She had a great day with 6 of her little friends at Build a Bear where she made her own little bear.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Normally not a fan of January...don't like the cold dreary days we get here in VA. This January however brings us only a month away from our first cruise so I was happy it was finally here for once!


Anonymous said...'s the birthday month of most of my close friends (about 8 of them). January is usually a busy month for me. Yesterday was my parents 42nd anniversary. I hope I make it to 42 years!! Take Care Missy!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Missy,
I LOVE your paper piecings!

What I love about January, it is the start of the new year where anything can happen. What I don't like about it is that Christmas is over - I love Christmas and it always goes way too fast. I hate taking my tree down and having the house back to "normal".


Jill LaFaye said...

Oh my goodness! They are scrapbooking embellies!

Ok..January. January is very refreshing to allows me to make a fresh start on things. Sort of like a starting point. Re-group, organize, be a better me:)

Cassandra said...

Count me in as your paper piecings are what guided me to your blog and to start my own as well! Hmmm...I love January because in just a short time I will no longer be huge and pregnant and will be able to tie my own shoes!!! Just kidding - To me January is a fresh start...I for one will be starting a new career this year, be a mommy again, and am looking forward to a family vacation hopefully by March!

Anonymous said...

Missy you make such cute things..

What I love about THIS January is that my darling husband has taken time off work and has been home since the 1st of the year. It has been a joy and blessing to have him home each and every day. I look forward to the day he retires and we have all our days together.

Thats what I love about this january..

Thank you

Terri E

Anonymous said...

What do I love about January?
I love that it is cold and snowy and that I don't have to feel guilty for wanting to scrap or knit or just sit and watch five hours of HGTV! All the other seasons I feel so pulled to do yard work or go outside for a walk. Although we've had some unbelievable warm weather this week in Indianapolis, it's so gray and rainy today. I love it!!

Noblesville, In

Wendy said...

WOW, How sweet are U?

What I love about this January is this fantastic weather, keeps my arthritis at bay.
A little cold, mixed with some warm.

Sandy said...

January is great this year - my Mom is one year from her cancer surgery and we hope things are moving forward in a good way!
Life has been very busy and hectic for me - but January also signals the return of my sister from the big city of Baltimore to spend some time with us and give me some relief of being sole caretaker and driver and all those other things that become our lives when we have older parents.
Hope you are having a great year Missy!

Dorene said...

I love January and the bad weather, as I get out the crock pot / slow cooker and get a good dinner going. The house smells soooooo good. Add a salad and crusty bread, and dinner is ready.
And allows so much time to scrap.

Anonymous said...

Well, what I'd like to love about January is some snow but it's been pushing 70 for 2 days!

Anonymous said...

I love that January is a time for new beginnings and thoughts on how you want to spend this year. I have decided that 2008 is going to be the year that I design a life that I love. Happy New Year!

Gay Ann

Liz said...

I love January! The first day of the month is a day off for my husband and my kids. I only wish it would snow so we could spend it sledding.

Anonymous said...

January is a month of relief for me because we have my 9 year old son's B-Day in Nov. and Christmas in Dec.WOW....January is a POOR month for us :)
Have a great day
I love your little designs(so cute)I first saw them on ebay and decided to read your blog.I am hooked!!Cecile

Andi said...

I want to play...I want to play!!! I love January because it's a fresh new start to a brand new year and the expectation and excitement of what it will bring.

January is also the month that made me and "Aunt". Sarah was born 40 years ago this month.

Your Tear Bear is adorable!

Sue said...

Ok.. I will play too!
I love Janurary first because it's the start of a brand new year with so many possibilties. I also love it cause we MIGHT get snow! I love the cold weather, bundling up or sitting inside with a warm cup of cocoa and being "lazy" cause it's too cold to go out! lol

Gramma Susie said...

I absolutely love that tear bear! I have a brand new grandson, my first grandchild, born Nov 1st, so this is his first January. Everything will be a first this year with him, which is so fun and exciting, and great scrapping material! Can't wait for his first Valentine's Day! All your paper piecings are so adorable and I just love the pages I have used them on. Keep making them! You are so talented!

Gramma Susie said...

I absolutely love that tear bear! I have a brand new grandson, my first grandchild, born Nov 1st, so this is his first January. Everything will be a first this year with him, which is so fun and exciting, and great scrapping material! Can't wait for his first Valentine's Day! All your paper piecings are so adorable and I just love the pages I have used them on. Keep making them! You are so talented!

Renee said...

Hi, new to your blog-looks like I picked a good day to surf!

January-the promise of new beginnings!

Anonymous said...

I love the start of yet another year of pictures and memories. To begin the great new year, we go to the Monster Jam usually in Tampa, Florida, but this year, we will be going to Orlando. Can't wait to get some great pictures that day. The look on our daughter and son faces when they are there is timeless. Looking forward to another great year! Thanks for this opportunity Missy.