Friday, October 20, 2006

Joy & Kindness ...

Wow ... I have alot to blog about today ... so I might as well get started.

First ... I'd like to wish my sister Joy a very Happy Birthday! I wish we were together to celebrate. I hope you have a fabulous 47th Birthday!

Second ... Happy Blog Day ... LOL ... today is the one year anniversary of my blog. I can hardly believe it's been a year.

Yesterday was a pretty awful day. I was sick all day. I thought my headache would go away, yet it stayed with me the entire day. I'm greatful Mike was home and was able to look after Griffin because I pretty much stayed on the couch the entire day, sleeping most of it with a blanket over my head. I did call the doctor and he's called me in a prescription for a new BC, so we will see if it gets better. I hadn't set foot outside all day yesterday until about 4:30 Mike said we should get outside for some fresh air ... and boy am I glad we did. Overnight the fall colors exploded in our yard ... it was absolutely glorious!!

This is a picture of my handsome husband.

The fallen leaves on the rocks makes a beautiful contrast

My two sweet boys walking down the road ...

And walking back up ...

Today has been a day filled with kindness ... I have observed so many random acts of kindness today ... it is just filling my heart with joy.

First ... when Griffin and I were walking up to the pharmacy today I saw this man struggling with a big box to get into the UPS store. If I were closer I would have run over to open the door for him ... but then I saw this elderly lady waiting to hold the door open for him. She WAITED several minutes for him to get to the door. It crossed my mind at the very minute that we live in a very nice little small town where people are willing to help each other.

Then ... we had to go to Walmart for groceries this morning. We were waiting in line (4th back) and the lady that was next in line offered the lady directly behind her to go ahead of her because she only had two items. I thought to myself ... WHAT is going on here. Another random act of kindness ... so sweet and generous!

And then ... I had a loaded buggy of groceries, I was struggling to get them in the car, along with the child safety gate I had bought and take care of Griffin all at the same time. This very nice lady came up to me and said "Here Honey let take that cart inside for you" ... oh my gosh ... another random act of kindness and this time it was directed toward ME! This lady just doesn't know how very thoughtful that was.

I just don't know what to think ... it's a day FILLED with random acts of kindness. This is the way the world SHOULD be.

Well ... since I had observed two acts of kindness and was the recipient of one act of kindess I thought I should return the favor to three people. So, as we were driving home I let three different turn/pull in front of me while driving. You know you motion to let someone in and then you get the little "thank you wave" ... gosh it felt good!

So ... let's all fill our lives with random acts of kindness each day. I'm inspired to try to do at least one nice thing for someone each day. If you have done something nice for someone today ... no matter how big or little ... please share it in the comments section.


Jolene George said...

Happy birthday to your sister, Joy!
I love random acts of kindness, and I honestly try everyday to affect someone in a possitive way, be it big or small. I'm a very service motivated girl. Life is too short to be mean...probably why I like you so much. :o)

Hippofatamus said...

*ah hem-clearing throat*

"Happy blogday to you,
Happy blogday to you,
Happy blogday dear Missy,
Happy blogday toooo yooooou!"

I have honestly not done anything... I should though. but please read a post of mine from a couple weeks ago. Very much the same idea.

Definately worth a read as it talks of random acts of kindness experienced in a small town.

Have a great day!


Andi said...

Joy is how old?!? When did that happen...I thought we were all still kids!!! Happy birthday to your big sister!!!

Love the random acts of kindness. More people should do those things. I went to hear a motivational speaker that lived in Atlanta. He said the roads were so busy there...but that every single day someone who didn't even know him would indicate to him that he was number 1!!! He said he was so moved by it that he tired to let them know they were number 1 to him as well. Thus the bird shot continues...I hate when someone does that!!!