Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Think I Love Her.

Sometimes something happens that is SO sweet you just have to write it down so you remember.

Today after school Griffin unwrapped a Hershey bar from his friend Annabelle.

He took a bite.
He paused.
And then he {whispered} ... Mommy, I think I love her.

{Picture taken April 2010}

It was one of those moments in which I saw true innocent love on my son's face.

His friend Annabelle is such a sweet girl.
She calls him on the telephone often.
Actually she is the first girl who has ever called him.

And all it took was a tiny little gift wrapped Hershey bar for my son to realize love.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I love this story. How sweet! It made me smile when I read it on FB and it's making me smile again as I read it here.