I love everything about it ... the colors that blossom, the cool weather, the wonderful aromas, the pumpkins and apples, the changing leaves, the beautifully colored mums, getting my crock pot busy and making soup and the utter feeling of bliss when you step outside and see scenes like this ...
This is a picture of my backyard from a couple of years ago. In just a few short weeks it will look like this again. I can't wait!
This is Griffin last year ... it's amazing to see how much he has grown in just one year. I love fall because most days it's still warm enough to run around in shorts, yet cool enough to know fall is here.
Gorgeous ... gorgeous ... fall leaves!
This is another picture of our backyard ... it just explodes in color. The trees are still about 90% green right now. Slowly they will turn into this bold, bright yellowish orange color. I.can't.wait!
I think this is my all time favorite picture during fall. It was taken in November 2008 when he was three. He was blowing bubbles and I managed to capture that sweet innocence of watching bubbles float away on his face. I love this picture.

With fall ... it also brings fall inspiration. I love making fall inspired paper embellishments ... sunflowers, leaves, pumpkins ... they are just my favorite to make! If interested you can visit my Etsy Shop By Clicking Here to see what I have available.
I hope you enjoy your beautiful fall days as much as we do.
Beautiful pictures and words that capture the sentiments of the season so well. Thanks for taking the time.
Beautiful I miss the seasons.....all Florida has is hot, hotter and hottest with added humidity :(
Great photos! FALL is my favorite season for exactly all reasons you mentioned! In fact, I decorate my whole house with silk leaves tape to the wall as an accent around photos and other FALL decor!
~Vanessa W
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