This past year has been an amazing journey. You experienced many things, many of them for the first time. Today I will share of those wonderful memories right here. Because it's YOUR day sweet Griffin ... Happy Birthday!
Really Cute!
Full of life
Let's start this birthday celebration off with a sweet picture of you enjoying a beautiful spring day. You ran outside in your pajamas to play with your bright yellow balloon. Yellow was your favorite color then. Now it's orange. =)
We went to the Richmond Zoo many times this year. This was the first time you fed the birds and you LOVED it!
Another first for you ... you cut your own hair. Of course I can't say I was happy about this and I still can't believe you did it! Especially since it was the day before your preschool pictures were going to be taken. We can laugh about it now, can't we?
You love coloring Easter eggs! We got together with the Hall family to do our Easter egg coloring this past year and you had such a good time.
You love spending time with Daddy and your best buddy Sam. Getting on the buggy and riding in the woods is one of your favorite things to do.
Ahhhh spring time ... we sure did look forward to spring after experiencing a very, very snowy winter. You love running through the flowers in your bare feet.
You and Mommy enjoyed Mother's Night at your preschool. It was so much fun to do this with you.
We went to George Washington's house in Washington, DC. You enjoyed exploring the grounds, seeing the animals, riding the tour boat and spending time with your family.
We went to Florida over the summer. You picked blueberries with Grandma for the first time. You had so much fun filling up your bucket and then taking them to Grandma's house to eat them.
Yum, Yum! Watermelon! We had a family BBQ and you had so much fun with everyone!
We took you on your first "real" boat ride in Tony's boat. We went on the Chain of Lakes in Winter Haven. You got to see fish, turtles and lots of birds.
What can I say? You LOVE orca whales. They are your favorite animal. When in Florida we picked up this giant orca whale you can ride on. You and Pop enjoyed some pool time together.

Another fun adventure while we were in Florida was visiting Anna Maria Island. You loved going to the beach. This is the first time you've ever been to the beach in the summer. It was the "warm" beach just like you like it!
The boys of summer ... you ate alligator for the first time withe Daddy at Cherry Pocket. You enjoyed it very, very much. We also saw lots of alligators in the wild while eating there.
We enjoyed being outdoors alot this summer. You want to be outside all the time. I think you would live outside if you could. =)
July brought us T-Ball ... your first time playing. You enjoyed learning the sport, playing with old & new friends and earning your trophy. You asked me each time we went if it was trophy night. When you finally earned your trophy you were very excited!
We had a nice time at Lake Anna with our friends. You and Sam enjoyed eating your ice cream right there in the lake.
Honestly, this picture fits you to a T. Outside, barefoot, swinging and eating a popsicle. You LOVE to swing and you are very good at it!
We went to Busch Gardens Virginia for the first time with our friends Darius and Keiha. You are such a dare devil! You wanted to ride all of the scary rides.
We went apple picking on Carter Mountain. How cool is it that you can pick your own snacks. You LOVE apples!
Your first day of kindergarten! You look soooo grown up. Mommy & Grandma took you to school and you road the bus home from school all by yourself for the first time. I was so proud of you!
You are the coolest kid I know ... and now we have the picture to prove it!
You are totally into Transformers. For Halloween you wanted to be your favorite Transformer, Bumblebee. You were adorable!
Fall was upon us ... you LOVE playing in the leaves. We would build a big pile of leaves and you would jump right in.
Homework time ... each week you have several pages of homework to complete. You always give it your best and do a good job at completing it.
We went camping for the first time ... in our backyard! We set up the tent, cooked hamburgers & hotdogs over the fire and made s'mores. We were just getting read for the first "real" camping trip with our friends the Halls.
Your kindergarten pumpkin patch trip to Hanover Vegetable Farm was so much fun! I think you chose the biggest pumpkin in the patch.
After our first "real" camping trip we visited the neighboring Natural Bridge Safari park for the first time. You and the other kids (and Carol & Alan) jumped in the back of Daddy's truck to feed the animals.
It was pumpkin carving time ... something you and Daddy always do together.
I believe this was the highlight of your year! You got to go up in the airplane with Daddy for the first time. You had so, so, so much fun!
We took our first train ride (though not on this train) on Amtrak all the way to Florida. You loved every single 20+ hours of it ... twice!
Well looky here ... you lost your first tooth!
Snow sledding in our backyard is one of your favorite things to do. This year you could do it all by yourself.
We had a beautiful Christmas and Grandma was able to be here with us!
Daddy + Mommy + Griffin = Our Wonderful Little Family
Green Eggs & Ham is your favorite movie to watch and book to read. One night you asked Mommy to make green eggs and ham for dinner, so I did!
We have so many beautiful memories and though every single one of them isn't captured on film, they will remain in my heart forever!
Happy Birthday little man ... we love you!
Mommy & Daddy
Happy Birthday Griffin!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRIFFIN!!!! I can't believe your are 6 already. Where has the time gone? It's amazing watching you grow into such a wonderful young man. Aunt Bon, Uncle Jerome and all your crazy Florida cousins love you. Have a wonderful birthday!!
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