We've had one heck of a winter. It seems like we had snow on the ground all of December, January, February and part of March. It's so nice to be able to get outside with short sleeves and enjoy the warmer weather.
We've taken full advantage of the warmer weather with lots of playtime outside. Yes, Griffin is wearing his pajamas. He's all about the pajamas lately. Why fight it, right? He LOVES playing with balloons. He figured out a way to blow them up using Daddy's hand held bicycle pump. He's so smart.
Another sure sign that spring is upon us? We decided to change out the winter garden flag and replace it with our Easter flag!
We took one of Griffin's classmates home yesterday after school. Their neighbor has these gorgeous yellow plants growing in their yard. When Mike and I first came to Virginia looking for houses it was springtime and these flowering bushes were blossoming everywhere. They are just so vividly colored and so pretty! I would love to know what they are ... anyone have any idea?
They have an entire row of them ... loving that. I would love to have some of these in our yard.
Warm spring time wishes ...
Hey Missy,
I'm not sure I can spell them right but the yellow bushes are Forsithia. I can say it better then spell it!!
I love them also, have you seen all the flowering trees in town? So beautiful!!
They are beautiful. And some of those bushes would look great in your yard. I really miss the seasons, so I'm so glad you share yours.
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