Thursday, March 04, 2010


Had to take this little guy to pediatric urgent care last night ...

Yesterday when he woke up I noticed he as occasionally "gasping". After a couple of times I started asking him questions like are you okay (of course that's my first question), are you hurting, can you breathe, why are you doing that. He told me he was playing around.

He went to preschool and all seemed to be fine. After picking him up he ate lunch and we played his new "Jumping Monkeys" game. Then I heard him do it a couple more times.

I put a call into his pediatrician to see if I should take him into the office Thursday. The pediatrician called me back and after listening to what I had to say she said I should have brought him into the office. She said he needed to be looked at immediately and I should take him to the pediatric urgent care center. She said it could be any number of things ... crupe, a blockage, build up of mucus, etc.

We left immediately and went to urgent care. As we are going there I'm asking him if he's having trouble breathing, does anything hurt, etc. Finally he says Mommy I think my throat hurts. Okay ... so now I know something is hurting.

After getting there I explain everything to the doctor. He listens to his chest, his back, checks his ears and does a strep test. The strep test is negative. He's not congested ... everything is clear. He has a sore throat. That's it. A sore throat. Thank goodness.

After watching him do it a couple more times last night, I can totally see what he's doing. He's allowing the saliva to collect in his mouth because he doesn't want to swallow because of the sore throat. He's taking a deep breath (the gasping/gulping sound) and then swallowing hard because he knows it's going to hurt. It totally makes sense to me now.

I'm just greatful my sweet boy has nothing more serious than a sore throat.


Bonnie said...

I'm so glad it was only a sore throat for your little guy. I know I hate having a sore throat. I hope he's feeling better today.

Wendy said...

Bless your Heart, it is so scary when your not sure what is wrong.

Glad he is ok, hope he is feeling better soon. Try having him gargle with salt water.

Jodie said...

You were totally right to call and take him in. It scares me when Liberty tells me her back hurts because I fear pneumonia. She has had to do breathing treatments about 3 times in her four years. They don't realize when they can't breathe well.