Here's the story ...
I was downstairs cleaning and Griffin went upstairs. I thought he was in his bedroom playing. He was pretty quite so from the bottom of the stairs I asked him if he was okay. A muffled little voice came and I couldn't understand what he was saying.
I went upstairs to discover he had locked himself in our master bath. I tried to get him to unlock the door, but he couldn't get the little turney thing to turn. So I looked everywhere and found the one and only wire hanger we have in this house and managed to get the door unlocked. Note to self buy more wire hangers.
Anyway ...
He walked into his bedroom and I picked up the towels he had put on the floor. I discovered hair all over them and the floor. I asked him if he had cut his hair. He said yes Mommy. I asked him why and he said there was a bug in my hair Mommy. Okay. So then I asked him what he cut his hair with. Mommy I used Daddy's mustache cutter. OMG!
I can't believe he did this!
This is the first time he's ever done anything like this. We had planned to cut his hair this weekend because he has PRESCHOOL PICTURES on Wednesday. Of course something like this happens right before pictures, right?
Oh well ... it'll grow back.
And quite honestly ... everytime I look at him ... it gives me a giggle.
OMGosh! I bet her thought he was in alot of trouble, but that is the joy of kids...curiosity. He is still cute! I also love that sly smile on his
I was right!! lol
At least the mustache cutter was not as dangerous as scissors. Give him a buzz cut for his pictures..and make sure to take a before and after shot. Now you have a great story and photos to add to your scrapbook!
omg, poor little guy! honestly, i hadn't noticed it until you said it! And he is still adorable! I remember my sister hacking her hair when she was 4- she had gotten gum stuck in it! We found the hair/gum clump in the closet by our shoes!!!!! Kids are funny, but thank God it wasn't sharp scissors, yikes! xOxO
That is so funny1 My kids never cut there hair, but they did plenty else! too cute
I am so afraid of my girls doing something like that! It is easier to fix on boys. You handled it a lot better than I probably would have!
Awww...He is so cute it isn't even noticeable Missy I wouldn't sweat it at all..just making fabulous memories::))
He is just being a normal boy. I dont' really remember Wade or Scott doing it, but Jerome said Alicia had watched the Beverly Hillbillies one day and Granny was given Jethro a bowl cut. So Alicia got a bowl and some scissors and gave herself one. Leave it to Alicia.
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