It covered everything and did a number on the juniper in front of our house.
The snow was so heavy and it turned to ice. At one point most of the juniper was laying on the ground. Much of it was twisted and broken off.
So what else could we do?
Well ... the temperature got to the high 30's the other day and we were tired of being cooped up in the house. We went outside and did yard work. Yes, that's right ... it was in the 30's but it felt warm enough to be out there.
Mike cut it down and I dragged it to the burn pile. Griffin's job? Well ... he was enjoying being outside swinging on his playset to his little heart's content.
This is just one little piece of the juniper. It was big as a tree! Look at that!
So we said a fond fairwell to the juniper. Though it looks a little bare in front of our house right now we plan to plant pretty azaleas in it's place come spring time.
1 comment:
I hate when that happens!! I love Junipers. We have the low growing kind in a planter.
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