Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gary's Meme.

I've been tagged by Gary to do this meme ... it sounds like fun!

1. Pick up the nearest book

2. Open it to page 123

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post in you blog the next three sentences after that fifth one you have identified

5. Tag five or more people and also acknowledge the person who tagged you

So ... here is mine:

"Without asking she dished up three hearty slices and brought them to the table, followed by a quart of vanilla ice cream and a scoop. No one refused their share. By the time they had finished their dessert, everyone, even Helen, had mellowed."

This of course is from the recent book I just finished reading ... Wedding Ring by Emilie Richards. It was sitting here on my desk, so I decided to use it.

And wouldn't you know ... the sentences had to deal with food ... LOL!!

I'm tagging everyone that would like to play!!


Judi said...

I will do mine tommorrow. Work is interfering with my fun time.

Bonnie said...

I am getting ready to do the tag. Very interesting. I love what you guys are doing to the house. Can't wait to see it. You are very lucky Mike is as talented and hard working as he is. And very caring too.