Sunday, May 04, 2008

Chesterfield Berry Farm.

Saturday we had a great day! First we went to Goochland's First Annual Countryfest. I really have no pictures to share of that event because we basically just walked around and then we ate lunch. Griffin wasn't feeling that great ... I took him back to the doctor on Friday and he has an ear infection and a bronchial infection. So, he's on medication and we just wanted him to take it easy. So, we took the stroller there and just walked around a little bit.

Then later in the afternoon, Griffin was feeling MUCH better. We went on over to the Strawberry Festival at Chesterfield Berry Farm. We really had a GREAT time there. I was so glad Griffin was feeling better so we could go while Grandma was here visiting.

Bett (Mike's Mom) picking strawberries ...

Bett and me choosing JUST the right strawberries ...

Griffin getting in on the strawberry picking action ...

Griffin and me ...

Mike and his mom Bett ...

Grandma and Griffin ... this is my favorite picture of the day!

Mike and Bett on the hay ride ...

The three of us ... not the greatest picture ... but we are all in the picture together

And the strawberry yumminess we made last night from our just picked berries ... this strawberry shortcake was absolutely DELICIOUS!!

I would love to make a trip to the strawberry patch an annual tradition with our family. This is our 2nd year in a row going ... looks like we are on the right path.


Anonymous said...

YUMMY! Those strawberries look great! Glad you guys are having such a good time. Eat some shortcake for me. Love ya!

Judi said...

What a great day. I love Strawberries.

Cecile said...

It looks like a really fun day I am so happy that yall had a great day!!There is nothing like Family Fun!!
Take care:))
The strawberries look yummy!!!!

Anonymous said...

yummy! Strawberries are a late May, early to mid June crop here in NJ. We have a Chesterfield in NJ, think I told you that before.

Anonymous said...

Strawberry season already! I cannot wait for it here- we have another month or so to wait!
Have a good day!

Honeyed Hashette said...

Send me a box of those berries, will ya! YUM!
I love sweet fresh strawberries.
When I was a kid, we bought a lot of fruit and veggies from the farmers market and they always had the best berries. So humongous and sweet. I am jealous!