Sunday, January 06, 2008


Yesterday I went to Cindy's baby shower. It was a wonderful party. The hostess Mary Ann and her two daughters went all out. The food was delicious, the games were fun, the company was fantastic ... and Cindy was so cute!!

I decided to get her a Diaper Genie II ... this is her gift all wrapped up. Little Matthew Joseph will be making his arrival in about a month!

I took a self portrait of myself before heading out to the party. Don't I look like little orphan Annie with my red curly hair? How come one side of my hair always does better than the other side??

I do not think I've shared the gift Mike got me for Christmas ... he got me a TomTom GPS! I am LOVING this thing!!! I would have never, ever been able to find Mary Ann's house in Richmond yesterday without this thing. How on earth have I lived without it?

And this is me and Griffin goofing around. I was trying to get a picture of him and me together ... didn't work ... he was in the mood to play.

Hope you all have a great Sunday!!


Jill LaFaye said...

I got a GPS system for Christmas also:) I love it! I will use it as a deduction for my business..nice.

Happy Sunday:)

robin c. said...

You do not look like little orphan Annie. It really looks good. You should have seen my hair last month. My hairdresser cut off all of my bangs!!..I think I just had stubs!! Never have I had my bangs that short..not even when my Mom cut them and made me look like Buster Brown. If you don't use a color protector shampoo your hair will tone down before you know it.

Have a fun the pictures of you and Mr. G.

Susie Q said...

I love the pictures..AND your red curly hair.
You look great! You are a very pretty woman Missy!

LOVE the GPS too! : )

And the new banner and the silly picture! LIttle G man is a doll. : )


Cassandra said...

You look too darn cute!!

Andi said...

Missy, I love your sassy new red color! And I think you look beautiful in your self portrait...not one bit like Orphan Annie!

So you got a GPS cool is that! We should take a road trip!

Anonymous said...

I like your hair!
Everyone's getting GPS's this past holiday

angelsamoungus said...

I got my GPS system last summer. Just watch it- In October I drove to a seminar in Indiana and I was staying at the Hyatt, my female friend (the voice on my GPS) told me that I had arrived. Uhh- I was across the street at the Weston *HELLO! *smile*

Take care,