Friday, December 14, 2007

Gift Exchange & A Thank You.

Yesterday we had a gift exchange at our house with our friends Heidi, Ryan and Evan. We had sooooooooo much fun!!

Our boys getting ready to open their gifts

Heidi opening her gift. We got her an iced tea maker. Heidi isn't from the south, and as we all know iced tea is a very important southern staple. So, we got her the iced tea maker to make it a little easier to brew some tea. I was teasing her because as you know, we live in Virginia ... which is kind of "the south", but they are soon to move to North Carolina which is most definately "the south". So, guests are sure to expect iced tea. LOL.

And would you LOOK at this??? Oh my gosh!! This is the gift that Heidi made for our family!! It's just so lovely!! The pinecones came from a downed tree on our property ... and she put this beautiful wreath together. It's even personalized with our last name. I love, love, triple love it!!

And ...

Yesterday I worked on trying to get my directed to my eBay About Me page. You would think this would be a pretty easy task. Let me tell you ... it was not.

First I called Network Solutions to see if they could help me. I won't go into the loooong conversation that I had with them, but they basically told me I needed to get the information I needed from eBay.

So, I then went to eBay Live and asked my question. I could tell the person was helping multiple people at once (including me) because he kept asking me to confirm my question and then it would take several minutes for him to respond. He had NO CLUE what I was asking for. What it finally boiled down to was him giving me the link to my About Me page. I gave up with him.

I searched on Google ... no help.

Then I went to eBay Message Boards to see if I could find the answer I was looking for. Several of the people on the Message Boards commented about Kirk from They were talking about what wonderful services he provided. So, I sent him an email. Within minutes I had my answer!! Oh my goodness ... I offered to pay him ... and this is what he said:

"you do not owe me anything, I provide all kinds of support for free, just mentioning my name to other people is good enough payment."

These days rarely do you find someone willing to help a complete stranger. I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to Kirk. You totally made my life easier yesterday and I finally accomplished what I was trying to do. So, if you all need web services of any kind (he creates AWESOME websites!) please visit Kirk at

And you know what???? Now ... when you type in it goes directly to my eBay About Me page!! Woo Hoo!!!!


Wendy said...

HOw cool is that!
Don't you love it when something unexpected happens in your favor!
Happy Friday!

Wendy said...
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Anonymous said...

that wreath is very cute.

Sue said...

WOW! Hedi is very talented. The wreath is beautiful and personalized too! I've actually heard of Kirk, glad he was able to help you and you got everything changed the way you want it.

Andi said...

Heidi is going to need to make iced tea in North Carolina!!! Love your wreath...very nice.

Got your Christmas card glad you included the cute family picture. I think pictures should be mandatory in Christmas cards when you have children!!!

Glad you found Kirk!