This breaks my heart.

This is one of my all time favorite photos of Wyatt. I took this in September 2003 ... our first fall here in Virginia. He absolutely loved the cooler weather and so enjoyed running through the leaves.
I love Wyatt so much ... he's my 2nd son ... and my friend.
Wyatt has always been my constant companion. Before I had Griffin, he would go every where with me. If I had to run to the post office, Walmart, grocery store ... Wyatt was right there in the car with me. He still loooves to go "bye bye". I just have to say those two little words and he's at the door, ready to go.
He is such a good boy ... so loving ... so sweet ... and so protective.
Although at times, he doesn't seem to like Griffin very much ... he is VERY protective of him. Let a stranger (repairman, neigbor, etc) come into the house, if they go near Griffin, Wyatt exercises this very low, warning growl ... it's almost as if he's saying "Leave my little brother alone".
As Wyatt is growing older, it's getting harder for him to get around much. We've designated one end of the couch as Wyatt's "safety zone" from Griffin. We have a gate in front of him and he can lay there as long as he wants.
I will continue the IV Water Therapy to help his system ... anything I have to do ... I will do to make his last days with us as comfortable as possible.
Dr. Scotti said we would know when it's time.
I just pray that he goes peacefully in his sleep ...
Hi Missy,
I'm so sorry that the results were not better for Wyatt. I know you've had him for a long time. I remember reading in your blog you got him on Mother's Day in 95'. I don't know what your beliefs are but I believe when we pass over, we go "home". I like to think that when Wyatt passes your Dad will be there waiting for him, and will watch over him till you all join them once again.
So enjoy and spoil him with the time you have left, and when it's his time to go just know that now he is without pain, with your Dad waiting for you.
All my best to all of you.
=( My heart is breaking for you. Be strong for Wyatt, he'll need you all. I have been through this. I didn't mention it but the same thing happened to my doggie Blackie years ago. Yes I agree he will be well taken care of in Heaven and certainly had heaven here on earth with a family like yours. Love, Tricia
So sorry to hear this, friends of ours lost a Dalmation years ago although we weren't friends at that time when it happened and I feel for you as i felt for them. They took it pretty hard, and losing a pet is like a family member, I have a pet myself and losing him would be like losing a family member. Its for the best, although we don't understand all that, memories are the most important thing in life. So sorry to hear about it, hopefully it'll last longer than anticipated. God Bless your Family - and enjoy the time you can with him, thinking of all of you.
Missy, we lost our cat New Years Day this year and I was a wreck for weeks. When I would mention it to someone I got the feeling everyone thought I was being silly, it was just a cat. Well that cat was my friend, he loved me and I him. I will not tell you it will get better, you have had loss in your life. I will not tell you it is not important or so sad. What I will tell you is you are not alone. Families with pets that really think of them as family understand your loss and really that is all anyone can do for you. Yes, God will take care of Wyatt in heaven but, you and Mike will have to take care of each other to get through this. Just have fun with him while you can.
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