He advised us to bring Wyatt to the clinic this morning for a three day hospital stay. They are going to try an IV water therapy along with two antibiotics to see if they can help him. When an animal has kidney failure, there is no "fixing" it. There is a possibility they can help manage it though.

(This is a picture I took of Wyatt before taking him to the clinic/hospital this morning)
We are very worried and very sad. We want to do the right thing for Wyatt. We of course want him to be with us as long as possible. But we do not want him to suffer. We want him to know the best quality of life.
The clinic that we take Wyatt to has several different vets on staff. The man that we saw on Monday is not Wyatt's regular doctor. I was pleased to know his regular doctor would be in this morning. I really like her alot and I know she cares about Wyatt and would lead us in the direction that is best for him.
I asked her point blank if we were extending the inevitable. She pretty much said she feels we may be able to extend Wyatt's life 6 months to a year.
I also voiced the concern that Wyatt is rarely left alone. We do leave him for several hours at a time, however we are always with him at night. I am so worried he will be upset at being left alone overnight. He is such a big baby, and he would be alone in a strange place ... we feel this would be very hard on him. They have no staff on hand overnight. She said we could pick him up tonight at 5:00 and bring him back in the morning to begin treatment again. I just feel this is the best thing for him.
My husband cried last night. It's the first time in all of our 21 years I have seen him cry. He loves Wyatt so much, as do I.
Mike and I married in April 1995 ... Wyatt became part of our family one month later ... he has been part of our family our entire marriage.
If you pray ... please say a little prayer for our dear sweet Wyatt.
Hi Missy, I'm not a scrapbooker but I ran across your website some time ago. I love to read your blogs. I will pray for your Wyatt, As I read about him I just came to tears as I had my poor little Spook (Kitty) pass away from Kidney failure about 8 years ago. I know that it is very hard to deal with a sick pet especialy when they are like a child.
Hey Missy,
I'll keep Wyatt in my prayers. I've had several pets over the years and I know how hard it is when one is sick or passes away. I was very close to Laura's dog, Sugar who passed away last year. When she called to tell me that Sugar had to be put to sleep I cried all day. I still miss her, she was such a loving and special dog. There's just something about it when you come home and you get that greeting from your pet. Their love and devotion is like no other.
Missy, hugs to all of you and I will keep Wyatt in my prayers. I know how you are all feeling. Tricia
Hi Missy -
I have purchased items from you several times and have begun to check your blogs every couple of weeks. You seem like such a down to earth person and such a caring wife and mother. Hearing about Wyatt brought tears to my eyes. I will keep all of you in my prayers.
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