Monday, December 14, 2009

Downtown Richmond ~ The Lights!

Our good friends Carol and Alan invited us to join them and all our kids for a visit to downtown Richmond to see the lights. This was our first trip downtown to the James Center ... and it was so wonderful!!

This is the first thing you see ... dozens and dozens of lighted deer, lights in all of the trees and a HUGE Christmas tree.

Though you can't really tell in this picture, this is a leafless tree with balls of lights hanging from the branches. Beautiful.

It was F.R.E.E.Z.I.N.G cold so we bundled up in our winter gear.

The kids ... Sara, Zach, Griffin, Sam and Hannah.

I wish everyone could see this in person ... these pictures do not do it justice.

Can you see the kids at the base of the Christmas tree? It was HUGE!!

Oh Christmas Tree ... Oh Christmas Tree!

I took this picture with the flash on ...

Carol, Sam and Alan.

Another view of downtown and all of the glorious lights!

We had such a GREAT time ... thanks for including us.


Mandy said...

I mean seriously?!?! We were in Richmond yesterday at the Children's Museum to see the "Real" Santa and we left for VA Beach "Lights at the Beach" and we missed all that? OMG...I wish this was posted last week and we would have known to stick around Richmond instead! lol It looks beautiful!

Bonnie said...

I love doing stuff like that. I so enjoy the lights. I'm glad your brother doesn't mind driving me all over to see them. I know you guys had a great time.

Wendy said...

That looks like it was Amazing!
It is so great to be able to go somewhere and just enjoy the beauty!

I know Griffin loved all the deer!

Cecile said...

The lights are beautiful:)Thanks for sharing!