Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday ~ Post #2

Okay ... so I went to both the Lakeland and Winter Haven scrapbook stores. I found some cute new things at both stores. I was going to go to a 2nd scrapbook store in Lakeland that Bonnie told me about, but when I drove downtown I couldn't find a parking spot. I couldn't imagine why it was so busy down there on a Wednesday ... but ... all I had to do was turn the corner to face the lake and I quickly found out what was going on. A "Tax Tea Party" was going on in downtown Lakeland. I went to take my camera from my purse to snap a couple of the clever signs protestors were hodling and the battery was dead ... that figures. No pictures. I had to make a mental note to charge it up so I can take pictures tonight when we are together with Bonnie & Jerome for dinner.

I made a big decision when I was at the scrapbook store. It's a "big" decision for me anyway. I have always scrapbooked using the 8.5" x 11" pages. Today I made the decision to switch to the 12" x 12" pages. There are so many cute papers out now and I can't use them scrapping with the smaller pages. So, now ... it's 12" x 12" for me!

I'm still on a quest for one of those Martha Stewart punches. Walmart had one similar to the one I want, but it was a little too frilly. I'll have to find a Michael's to get the one I want.

Hey ... did anyone notice I changed the background color? I think this yellowish one is much more pleasing to the eye than the black/white one. And it's still pretty "un-cluttered" looking. That's the look I'm going for right now.

Okay ... so gotta go get ready for dinner.

Happy Wednesday!



Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Yes I noticed the switch from the black and white to the yellow----if you don't like the severity of black and white, you might want to go with a nice neutral shade of pale green or if ya like the warmer colors, a nice soft shade of beige---the yellow makes your blog post look like a circus bill. (but thats just this old dudes opinion).

Judi said...

I do like the background change. I have always scrapped 12 x 12 pages. Or smaller 8x8. You can switch back and forth when ever you want.

Wendy said...

I have always done 12 x 12 I always seem to have too many pictures for any smaller. Sometimes I do small theme books, but 12x12 is best for me. Can't wait to see your new 12x pages!

Andi said...

Love the background color and love the new photo in your header...cute...Griffin looks adorable in his Mickey Mouse ears!

Cecile said...

I like the new background and header..I scrapbook 12x12 and I love that size the best after tring other sizes I just stick with 12x12 and the hardest thing for me is to allow myself to leave some white space::)) I just want to put "something" in all of the spots on the page:)I am a more is better kinda girl and thats not always good:)

Bonnie said...

I've always done 12X12 even back in the stone age when I used to blog. And honestly, Cecile got me started witht he 12x12 this time because of all the cute pages she does for me. But I love it. You can do so much more with on them I think. I do like the background, on my computer it looks kinda like a yellowy peach. But definitely not harsh.