Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday.

There's nothing better than being able to spend Easter Sunday with your family.

Griffin may have been the only kid hunting Easter Eggs at Grandma's house ... but that didn't let it stand in the way of being super fun.

The big guys hid the eggs ... and then Griffin hunted them. It really was cute because everyone was helping him to find them.

The Glave Boys ... Mike, his brother Ray Jr., his Dad Ray (Pop) and Griffin

Bett (Grandma), Mike, Uncle Ray, Griffin, Jeri (Nana), Aunt Terry and Pop

All the same people as the picture above ... except I'm in this one.

The big guys being silly with Griffin.

It was a great Easter Sunday ... I hope you had a great one too!



Cecile said...

Happy Easter my sweet friend!!!Have fun!!!

Sue said...

I'm happy to see ya'll had a fun Easter. What kind of tree is that? The one ya'll are standing in front of?

Bonnie said...

Happy Belated Easter! You know I would have been there, but I had to work. Looks like everyone had great fun.

Judi said...

I am glad you had a great time.

Andi said...

Looks like a perfect Easter Sunday. I remember hiding eggs for Derek when he was little...actually I still hide one for him every year. He would find them all and then want me to hide them again. I bet I hid those eggs 10 times on some Easter Sundays...good memories.