Friday, April 17, 2009

Downtown Disney: Part One

We went to Downtown Disney with Grandma, Pop & Nana.

We thought it would be a good test to see how Griffin would do at Disney World.

He was beside himself with complete and utter joy.

Entering the Marketplace.

Griffin's favorite movie is Wall-E ... he was beside himself with joy, literally jumping up and down with happiness when we came upon this remote control Wall-E. We went back and forth about getting it since the Easter Bunny had just visited, but in the end we decided Wall-E must come home with us. Griffin LOVES it. He's been playing with him non-stop since he got it.

Yo-Ho-Ho Maties ... Pop, Nana and Griffin helping the pirate steer the ship.

Though not the greatest of pictures of us (I'm getting my haircut tomorrow, yah!) ... I treasure each picture of Griffin and me together because I have so few of them.

Nana & Griffin riding the train.

Grandma & Griffin riding the carousel.

Our little family ... this is the one I used in my new blog header.

This was such a beautiful garden area ... loved the flowers, the water pots and the Mickey Mouse topiary. So pretty.

We had such a good time ... we went back for a second visit.

I will share that visit on my next post.


Mandy said...

I love Downtown Disney! I especially like the full size Lego stuff! I could just stare at that stuff all day with amazement. How in the world? I am sure Griffin will love Disney World! I know what you mean about pictures, I am not in many with Mason either :o( Ya'll have fun!

Bonnie said...

Looks like you had a great time with all the grandparents. I'm so glad you have a picture with Griffin. Isn't it funny how the mommys are always left out because they are behind the cameras?

Wendy said...

How fun, love all the pictures. Looks like you had perfect weather and a perfect day!!

Deborah said...

I've never heard of Downtown Disney. I hope maybe I can take V and E next year to Disney. Love the pictures!

Judi said...

It looks like you all had a great time. What fun memories for Griffin!!

Cecile said...

Hey Girl!!
You are having all kinds of fun in Florida!! I love Downtown Disney too..Cole Loved the toy shop too and the lego play area and the Rainforest Cafe was pretty yummy too..Wish i was there now:)I am so happy for you and your family getting to visit and have fun together:)It's like you almost have to leave with a toy and good for G he got a big one:)

Andi said...

Great pictures Missy and it looks like a perfect day at Downtown Disney. We haven't been up there in ages...perhaps a return trip is in order for us. Griffin looks so happy and cute hugging his Wall-E box. I'm glad you got it for him.

Andi said...

Oh...I do assume you're going to show us to new hairdo!!!

Sue said...

Griffin looks so thrilled to have his Walli. I have yet to see the movie...but I'm hoping to rent it soon.
The new banner and picture of the three of you is so sweet!