Friday, December 05, 2008


I spent almost a full day shopping and out of the house yesterday.

I haven't done that in ... well ... forever.

I wanted to share a picture with this post, so I decided on this one. This is a favorite picture of Griffin from December 2007. Every night before heading up to bed he would stop by the Nativity and say "night night baby Jesus". I wonder if he will do the same thing this year when I bring the Nativity out.

Now ... about my day.

After dropping Griffin off at school I went to the Post Office and by the dump.

I really wanted to try and find something to wear to a party we are going to Friday night and it's hard to try on clothes with a little one with you. So, while Griffin was in school I thought it would be a great time to go. I'm not a fancy girl (at all!) so I decided to go to Walmart to see if I could find something a little holiday-ish to wear. I lucked out and found a red top with some sparkly stuff on it. I also found a cute pair of black pants to complete my new outfit. I also got a pair of jeans that were on clearance sale for $3.00! The only shoes I wear are brown leather, so I decided I better find some black shoes to match my black pants. I did find a pair, I think they are cute ... kind of like little Mary Janes in a way. I looked at the time and it was only 9:45 and I didn't have to leave town until 11:30 to head back and get Griffin from school.

So ... I decided to do some Christmas shopping. That was fun.

I could actually take the time to stroll the aisles and think about what I wanted to get. That was nice. I picked up a few Christmas gifts and a few groceries we needed.

After leaving Walmart I still had some time so I hit both Target and Home Depot. I feel soooo good about the gifts I found. This year I really want to get people something they want. I am NOT a great giver ... I wish I were. I'm trying to listen to what people are saying about their likes, what they want, etc ... that way we can get them something they will like.

I went to get Griffin from school. We stayed on the playground for about an hour so he could play with some of his little friends.

Then we went to Dairy Queen for lunch ... have to admit this ... we ate in the car. It was the easiest, fastest way to get lunch accomplished.

Then we went to Sam's Club. I had to pick up some Deli Roll-Ups for that party we are going to on Friday night. I'm going to put them on a cute little tray and fancy them up a bit.

After that I took Griffin to Kangaroo Jac's for some jumping good time. I promised if he did well in school this week and got a good report then I would take him. He accomplished that goal and he had a great time running around with 3 "big boys" for almost 3 hours.

Then ... we came home. Griffin fell asleep on the way home ... so I put him to bed about 5:30.

I really do not like to shop. But yesterday I got so much accomplished and I feel GREAT about that!


Colleen Wms said...

It was my plan to get out shopping yesterday as well and since I did not, it's going to have to be today. I will have the boy with me though so wish me luck!
We have a b-day and then a holiday party this weekend as well so I need b-day gift and hostess gift. Wish me luck again!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a you had a great time. Im so happy you got a new outfit at a bargain that sure feels good.

Judi said...

I did good out shopping yesterday as well. It always feels good to get what you need.

Donielle said...

Wow Missy, that picture of him looking at the nativity scene is soooo sweet! I really like it. Walmart has a lot of really nice things. When I was little I would have never wanted to shop there, but I love shopping there. There stuff is so much cuter than it use to be, and reasonably priced. Btw, my girls and I eat in the car ALOT! We live so far away from everything, so when we have dance or something with church (they are both about 45 min. away) we eat drive thru alot. That way when we get home we can get ready for bed. Works great for us! Sorry to be so longwinded...

Sue said...

I remember that picture from last year..sooo sweet! I'm happy that you got some "me" time...we all need that once in a while. Can't wait to see pics of your new outfit..have fun at the party!

Cecile said...

That pic of G is so great you need to put that one on a scrapbook page titled "Reason for the Season" because he has the right idea::))

Andi said...

Oh my shopping genes are rubbing off on you!!! I'm so happy you had a good shopping experience Missy because I love to shop and think you should too!!! And when you find what you're looking for it makes it fabulous!

I love that picture of sweet.

Have fun at your Christmas party. We're headed to one tonight ourselves.

Susie Q said...

You have been so busy but in a good way! Oh how I love this picture lifted my spirits just to se it!

I am leaving you an award on my blog today...

Love to you all,