Thursday, December 04, 2008

Sea World!

Finally ... I'm sharing our visit to Sea World!

Thanksgiving Day was a GREAT day to visit the park ... it was not very busy and the weather was just wonderful!

Upon entering the park, the first thing we saw was the stingray pool. Oh my gosh ... they were incredible! Here you see Mike and Griffin feeding them and they are splashing back. Right away I knew we had made a good decision to take him to Sea World!

The stingrays were hungry little suckers ... they fed them two helpings of fish. Mike is petting one in this picture. Never in a million years would I have put my hand in that pool!

Next up was dolphin feeding. They have a schedule for feeding the dolphins and we lucked out to arrive just as the first feeding was to take place.

I absolutely LOVE this picture of Griffin with the dolphin ... his mouth is as wide open as the dolphin's is. {laugh}

Bett (Grandma), Mike and Griffin in front of some of the beautiful flowers and foliage they have all over the park.

Griffin LOVES penguins ... he really enjoyed visiting the penguin exhibit. I love this picture ... doesn't it look like the penguins in the middle are holding hands???

And then it was on to the Shamu show ... it was INCREDIBLE!! I haven't been to Sea World in quite a few years and I was reminded of how incredible these animals are.

Another picture of Shamu working his magic ...

Mike, Griffin and me ... a family photo.

I could only add 10 pictures at a time ... so more Sea World pictures and memories are on the next post ...


Donielle said...

I love love love the pictures, both of them, of Griffin and the dolphins. Very good!! You captured that moment great.

Colleen Wms said...

Alright. You got me thinking of planning a family vacation to Sea World. Keep the pix coming! Your excitement about the trip really comes through!

Judi said...

It sounds like you had a great day!! I love Sea World!!

Mandy said...

I love Seaworld! That is the first park Charlie and I went too while on our Honeymoon almost 4 years ago. We can't wait to take Mason!

Cecile said...

I love Sea World too and it looks like G had so much fun!!!

Andi said...

Missy, I'm just now catching up with all your posts. Looks like your trip to Sea World was perfect...even if the day did start out a little chilly. Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I loved Sea World we were there in February and you totally just took me back. Oh that place was awesome and my fave part was feeding and petting the dolphins. I have a few dreams in life and 1 is to swim with the dolphins :)