Friday, December 19, 2008

Just For You ... Gma, Pop & Nana

This is a little something special for Grandma, Pop & Nana ...

Just in case you are wondering, if Griffin see's a camera, he normally says "cheese" ... so that's why you see him saying "cheese" in both of the videos ... lol ... he's such a little ham.

Judi, you asked what kind of camera I used. My little hand held Casio Exilim camera takes mini video clips. I just download it like I would a regular picture from the memory card. It's a bit grainy, but it still fun to be able to share video of our little guy.


Anonymous said...

Awww so cute. To call back those years. Many say they wouldn't go back,but I would in a second. I loved when Rian was 4 and April was 3.

Sue said...

Oh how I wish I had sound on my computer. It was so fun to just see the clip though... so much more than a still photo!

Cecile said...

Oh my!! I really enjoyed that and I know that Gma,Pop and Nana will be thrilled::))

Judi said...

That is so cool. I might need to get one of those. What a great way to share. Did you just get it or are you just figuring it out. LOL

Sue said...

I'm at work...where the computer has sound. lol
That is so sweet!! You'll have to do more of those. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today!

Anonymous said...

You did it! Isn't video fun?! -Heidi B

Anonymous said...

too cute!