Friday, June 06, 2008

Getting Ready For Saturday.

Griffin and I went to the YMCA yesterday to swim in the "big pool". We met up with our friends Keisha, Damion and Darius ... it's always so nice to spend time with them.

There were ALOT of people there. We saw a few other people that we knew, and some familiar faces from last summer. We swam about 2.5 hours and then left for home. Griffin fell asleep on the way home. He took a good long nap and that allowed me time to work on yard sale stuff.

(This is the last reminder for the yard sale on Saturday ... I promise it's the last time I post it ... and yes, I went in and corrected the word "toddler" on our signs before posting them)

If I have some time, I'm thinking about making some punch art daisies, put them in a little baggie, adhere my business card for and have some little gifts available for my yard sale customers. Is that silly for a yard sale?

And while I'm talking about the yard sale ... I have a little bit of a rant. I'm usually a pretty positive person ... but c'mon we can't be Mary Sunshine 100% of the time right??

So ... here's my rant ...

Earlier in the week I had posted a bunch of yard sale flyers around town at different businesses that have community bulletin boards. Well, yesterday Griffin and I went to the local grocery store to pick up a few things. I had posted one of our flyers at this store ... and I looked to make sure it was still there. It was there alright ... but almost covered up by everyone else's yard sale flyers. And, I had posted ours with four of MY OWN push pins ... and when I went there our flyer was left with only one push pin. When I posted our flyer I made sure not to cover up anyone else's flyers ... ughhhhhh ... I'll admit, I was a little (read LOT!) mad. So, what did I do? I re-organized the entire dang bulletin board. That way you could read everyone's ad and no one was covered up. Why can't everyone be respectful? C'mon it's a yard sale ad for heaven's sake ... let's respect each other here. Okay ... rant over.

I'm hoping our yard sale is a success ... we are setting up in a very busy area of town that has a lot of drive by traffic. We've advertised in the local newspaper, posted flyers & signs around town, sent email alerts to over 2,000 interested "yard salers" via local Yahoo Groups, and advertised via word of mouth as well.

Wish us luck on Saturday ... will ya???


Anonymous said...

Missy I love the idea about little daisy punchart gift bags with your card attached. I think that is SO SO FUNNY you redid the whole bulletin board. OMG TOO FUNNY!!! I wish you alot of succes on Yard Sale day. Hey what kind of Scrapbooking goodies do you have for sale? I may be interested. Hugs and I finally left a comment. Tracie

Bonnie said...

I agree with Tracy about the gift bags. It's makes people's days when someone is thoughtful enough to give them a gift. And I can believe you redid the bulletin board, that is just like you. With all the advertising you all did, the yard sale should be a HUGE success. Good Luck.

Cindy Matejka said...

Great idea, good luck. It's gonna be hot in good ole Goochland. Hugs girlie!

Anonymous said...

People are rude!!

Wendy said...

I think it is an excellent business move and a great idea.

Hate to tell ya.........
Mary Sunshine WOULD rearrange the board like you did!

A meanie would throw all the other in the trash!

Good Luck with your Yard Sale!

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

so kinda suspect you meant to say everything is priced to be sold---at any kind of sale, I assume everything will have a price---(aint the english language fun?), ooh before I forget, how much do ya charge for them babies and toddlers anyway?

Sue said...

I think the idea about the little daisy punchart baggies with your biz card is a great idea!
Only you would be so sweet to make sure that everyone's ad could be read by re-organizing the whole board!
Best of luck on the sale tomorrow! Hope ya make a bundle!

Jill LaFaye said...

You sound like the bulletin board..people can be so inconsiderate.

Good luck with the sale!

Judi said...

Good luck!! Let us know how it goes!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OOPS I forgot the other s in Success in my upper comment. I know I would have redid the whole bulletin board too. But I agree with Wendy i would have probably been the meanie(Ha,Ha) no not really just kidding. Hugs, Tracie