Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Chasing Down The Turtle.

The other day Mike was leaving for work and he called me on the telephone almost as soon as he left the house.

He said ... quick get Griffin's shoes on there is a turtle crossing the road. He knew how much Griffin would LOVE to see a turtle. We quickly got our shoes on and began to walk up our road looking for the turtle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the grass moving ... and guess what we found?

Yep ... we found the TURTLE!!

Griffin was in complete awe ...

I let him touch it ... ewwwwwww ... but he wanted to.

Mike is such a great Daddy ... he called us because he knew that Griffin would get a kick out of seeing the turtle. Honestly, I do not think too many Daddys would do that.

So ... when we had our old couch we let Griffin jump on it. Since we have the new furniture, we have a no jumping policy. Griffin is trying to find every which way around it.

Words from a three-year-old as he's jumping in Mike's new recliner ...

Me: Griffin STOP jumping in the chair (I'm sitting at the computer desk behind this chair)

Griffin: I not jumping, I playing peek-a-boo

Words from a three-year-old as he's jumping on the new couch ...

Me: Griffin STOP jumping on the couch

Griffin: Mommmm - mmmy I not jumping, I a frog ... ribbit, ribbit, ribbit

How can you argue with that philosophy???


Gary ("Old Dude") said...

when a guy is only 3---its like Kermit said--------"its not easy being green"

Anonymous said...

I have to say that you and Mike have taken to parenthood the way a fish takes to water. You are both wonderful parents. And of course, Griffin is going to test you on that. Isn't it great, the things kids say. How can you get angry, when all you want to do is laugh.
Enjoy it while you can, because unfortunately (or fortunately) they do grow up.


Judi said...

You need to put that on a scrapbook page. I love when they say cute things.

Anonymous said...

Happy Tuesday.....Bonnie and Me won the NASCAR Pool at my work (I hate Kyle Busch) so we bought her a new digital camera....President Bush sent our 1200.00 check so I am going to use my part wisely and buy new tires for my Explorer....Bonnie is gone to the walking trail and I hung a new blind in the bedroom.....That's about all that is going on down here....We are going to see Lynyrd Skynyrd at Cypress Gardens on May 24 and going to the Zellwood Corn Festival on the 25th....John Anderson and Blake Shelton are going to be there....So long for now....tell Mike and Griffin I said howdy....

Your Brother

Cecile said...

Hey Girly
It only gets better as they grow up sometimes I want to laugh at Cole when he says smart butt stuff because I know that he has heard someone(I don't know who:)) say it but I have to keep a straight face and try to correct him! It aint easy but most of the time it's fun!Gotta love our boys!
Take care