Thursday, January 17, 2008

No Nap Day.

Do you see this little guy? You ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY know that I LOVE HIM with all of my heart. But ... I really, really, really wanted him to take a nap yesterday.

I was so desperate for him to take a nap that after lunch we got in the car for a drive. Normally he falls sound asleep when I'm driving, especially if it's after lunch.

Well after driving 47.4 miles and being in the car for 45 minutes ...
I headed home.
He did NOT fall asleep.
I gave up.


Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO....what about if you give him a sippy cup with his fave drink, a blanky, pillow, fave stuffed animal and put a movie on, will he just veg and watch it?

Andi said...

Sometimes you feel like a nap...sometimes you don't! Jen's suggestions sounds good...if I had my blanky and pillow I would take a nap for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

I suggest you still put him in his room and tell him it is quiet time. Tell him he has to stay in his room and he can play quietly until you tell him it is time to come out. He is getting to the age where he might not need one every day but mom still needs some quiet time to herself. This worked for me.

Jill LaFaye said...

Guess he went to bed early that night? I am with Jen..or maybe even lay down with him until he falls asleep?